At The Moment When The Church Of England Turns God Into A Gender Neutral Non-Binary Entity, They Will Be Worshipping Antichrist, And That’s Fact


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    The gender of God has prompted debate within the Church of England, with many calling for male pronouns He and Him, as well as reference to Our Father, to be scrapped in favour of either gender neutral or female alternatives.

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    For starters, the Church of England is a hot bipolar mess with one side embracing Roman Catholicism, the other nominally Protestant, producing nothing but Laodicean hogwash constantly in conflict with itself. Ironically, the Church of England was the birthplace of the King James Bible back in 1611, having survived the Gunpowder Plot in 1605. What’s on the menu in 2023? Not much, just a raging debate to turn the God of the Bible into a gender neutral, non-binary thing you might just as well refer to as Antichrist from here on in.

    “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he himMale and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5:1,2 (KJB)

    If God becomes gender neutral, then He becomes an ‘it’, and in doing so He is no longer the God of the Bible but something else entirely. Maybe that’s what the Church of England is after, kicking God off of His throne and replacing Him with a genderless, meaningless and powerless ‘thing’ much like a transgender. Of course, the entire LGBTQ+ Movement is all about dethroning God, getting rid of His laws and His judgments, and bringing him down to non-binary status. Coincidentally, this is also the platform for the One World Religion of Chrislam. Whatever happens, you can now stick a fork into the Church of England, it’s finished and fit for the ash heap of Church history. Here’s a ‘fun fact’ about God, no neutrality is recognized. You are either saved and headed for Heaven, or lost and going to Hell, there is no third option, there is no Purgatory. God made man, that’s one, and from man He made a woman, that’s two and that’s all He wrote. God made two genders, all the others come from Satan. If you have a genderless God, that’s the Devil.

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