New York State is Losing Jobs to Florida and Texas at an Astonishing Clip


    by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

    Let’s discuss voting with your feet, where it’s happening and why in the top 10 US population states.

    Since the pre-Covid pandemic New York State has lost 267,000 jobs. Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio are also job losers.

    Big gainers, in order, include Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia.

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    Job Trends Since 1990

    Job data by state from the BLS, top eight states by population, chart by Mish

    Job data by state from the BLS, top eight states by population, chart by Mish

    Job Trends Since Pre-Pandemic 

    Job data by state from the BLS, select states, chart by Mish

    Job data by state from the BLS, select states, chart by Mish

    Job Trends 

    • In general, jobs are shifting from blue states to red states.
    • In general. jobs are shifting from the rust belts to the South.
    • Ohio is the only Red state losing jobs.
    • Illegal immigration is the only reason California has gained jobs (and not that many relative to its size).
    • Note that Florida has passed New York in jobs (9,579,000 to 9,576,000)

    Right-to-Work States 

    Chart courtesy of the Right to Work Organization, chart by Mish.

    Chart courtesy of the Right to Work Organization, chart by Mish.

    Chart from the National Right to Work Foundation.

    Ohio was the only Red state in the top ten to lose jobs. In addition to being a rust state victim, Ohio is also a right-to-work state along with California, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania.

    Unions add expenses to businesses and taxpayers. With added expenses, taxes go up.

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