Reuters: “Pfizer jab linked to stroke but only in VSD; nothing to see here folks, move along.”


    by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

    They are lying. The stroke risk is very real. And it’s NOT new. And it’s not just in VSD. This shows, once again, that the CDC is lying to people, they know they are lying, and we can PROVE IT.

    Executive summary

    VSD is one of the top databases the CDC uses to monitor for safety signals.

    The CDC was forced to admit a safety signal triggered in VSD for stroke.

    On a Friday night, they said “It’s only in VSD, not anywhere else; nothing to worry about.”

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    They are lying to the American people and we can absolutely prove it.

    This is a very corrupt agency that is killing hundreds of thousands of people with these shots.

    In this article, I’ll show you what they said, and what they should have said if they were being perfectly honest.

    This article is a bit long, but once you read it, you’ll get a very good sense for how deep the corruption is at the CDC.

    They literally have a license to kill and they aren’t shy about using it.


    Here’s the Reuters article.

    Now let’s unpack it. Here are the two key paragraphs:

    The FDA and CDC said that other large studies, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, other countries’ databases and Pfizer-BioNTech’s databases had not flagged this safety issue, adding that it requires more investigation.

    “Although the totality of the data currently suggests that it is very unlikely that the signal in VSD (Vaccine Safety Datalink) represents a true clinical risk, we believe it is important to share this information with the public,” the health authorities said.

    The CDC wants you to take away these messages

    1. There’s a safety signal, but it’s only in one database we monitor (VSD). It’s not in VAERS or anything else.
    2. Since we are super honest, we’re letting the public know about it
    3. There’s nothing to fear. If it were a real signal, it would be in all the databases, so this is just a glitch in the matrix.
    4. Go get your booster, just like we tell you in our new Martha Stewart TV commercial.

    What an “honest CDC” would have said

    But the truth is just the opposite of those four points.

    Here’s what the CDC response would look like if they were being honest with the American people. This is a long read, but worth it:

    1. OK, to be perfectly honest, we KNOW that the shot is causing strokes. In fact, there’s a safety signal for stroke in all the databases, but we’re just too darn corrupt to admit that and the mainstream press is too ignorant to ask us about it. So we lied. And we get away with it. Always.In fact, we just admitted in a FOIA request that ischemic stroke triggered a safety signal in VAERS, but only Kirsch and a few other of his misinformation spreader friends read the FOIA, so NOBODY’s ever going to figure out we are lying. NOBODY. EVER. It’s in front of their faces in full public view and the press is so controlled by us that they NEVER CALL US ON our lies. Even when people will die. They are loyal to us.You can trust that we’ll get away with this because we’ve been getting away with murder for decades, and nobody is the wiser (except for RFK Jr., Andy Wakefield, and a few others). But we’ve discredited all of them, and then when people see what happens to people who oppose us, they back off. We are so certain we won’t be caught in a lie that here’s the proof we were lying that the signal was ONLY happening in VSD:
      This spreadsheet obtained from the CDC under FOIA proves that CDC knows damn well that ischemic stroke triggered a safety signal in VAERS, but they think nobody else knows, so they are lying about it to Reuters saying that it’s only in VSD and not in any other database. The CDC lies with impunity because nobody is going to hold them accountable for their lies, no matter how many people they kill.

      Overall, we admitted that there were 770 safety signals triggered in VAERS including things like death, ischemic stroke, cardiac arrest, pulmonary thrombosis, Bell’s palsy, acute left ventricular failure, acute respiratory failure, chronic left ventricular failure, acute myocardial infarction (i.e., heart attack), deep vein thrombosis, etc. but nobody cares about the FOIAs. They only pay attention to what we tell the press. And we’ve kept this hidden from the press because we don’t want people to know we are lying to them. That would upset the whole operation.

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