Title 42 And Stupidity


    by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

    Unless you live under a rock you have heard the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to the lifting of Title 42 restrictions on entry for the purpose of immigration.

    Go read the dissent.  It is worth the time and not all that long, since its simply a stay and a decision to take cert, the petition for same can be found here.

    I am forced to agree with the dissent for one simple reason: The Supreme Court is not the arbiter of political policy, only Constitutionality.  At the same time I’m forced to agree with the majority:  Biden claims Title 42 is no longer required because there is no longer a pandemic emergency but he has not dropped the Public Health Emergency order and in fact recently extended it.

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    Therefore it is BIDEN who is trying to have his cake and eat it too, because were he to drop it then all of the EUAs, all of the mandates currently in litigation that issued out of his Executive and all state, local and commercial mandates that rest on that PHE justification instantly expire.

    In short you can’t claim there’s a pandemic only when it suits your political and economic purposes, and not when it doesn’t.  Either the underlying event still exists or it does not.

    Somewhere, somehow, we must force to the forefront the fact that this was always the case all the way back to the summer of 2020 and in fact it was repeatedly used this way — when it suited someone there was an emergency, including censoring opinions, and when there was not there was no emergency.

    In other words by their own actions they prove the so-called “emergency” from roughly the first few months onward was a lie.

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