Senator Johnson’s round table shocks the world again: data shows that the vaccinated “have a 26% higher mortality rate”


    by Lance D Johnson, via DC Clothesline:

    After being re-elected in November, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson is wasting no time, helping expose the covid-19 vaccines and the historic crimes against humanity that have taken place under the guise of “public health.”

    The latest congressional round table was titled, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries. At the meeting, Senator Johnson was flanked by Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Ryan Cole — two prominent voices fighting for truth, medical freedom, and scientific integrity. During the meeting, they heard new evidence on excess mortality among the vaccinated. The evidence reveals that the population is being culled faster through the use of mRNA vaccines and coercive mandates.

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    The vaccinated are dying off faster than the unvaccinated

    The round table meeting featured Josh Stirling, a highly-acclaimed insurance analyst from “Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives.” Stirling said “the best statistics we have” point to HIGHER mortality rates for those who took the gene-based covid-19 vaccines. He said the vaccinated “have a 26% higher mortality rate.” For people under 50, the vaccinated have a 49% higher mortality rate. The vaccine is priming the immune system for failure and causing unpredictable inflammation throughout the body, putting vital organs at risk.

    Even more shocking: Stirling said the mortality rate is 145% greater for those who accepted just one dose of the initial two-dose regimen. Individuals who were acutely injured after the first dose were most likely to die over the past two years.

    In the United States, the vaccinated population now represent the majority of covid-19 fatalities. This reality has been concealed for over a year because the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) created a deceptive definition for the “unvaccinated” and the “fully vaccinated.” During the initial vaccine rollout, a person was considered “fully vaccinated” in the mortality data only after 14 days had passed since receiving a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

    This essentially means that all individuals who were injured after the first jab and then died later on, were considered “unvaccinated” in the official statistics. Likewise, individuals who were injured and died within 14 days of a second dose, were also considered “unvaccinated” in the official statistics. The CDC changed the goalposts with each new booster, allowing for widespread statistical fraud in medical coding and death reports. The vaccinated have been dying off faster over the past two years, yet they are being relabeled “unvaccinated” as each new booster is approved.

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