New Zealand Court Strips Anti-Vax Parents of Medical Custody of Ill Baby


    from The Epoch Times:

    New Zealand court ruled against the parents of a sick infant on Dec. 7, temporarily stripping them of medical custody of their son after they refused blood transfusions from vaccinated donors, requesting that the health system allow them access to blood from unvaccinated donors who were standing ready to donate.

    The four-month-old boy, who has been diagnosed with severe pulmonary stenosis, needs open-heart surgery to allow blood to circulate properly throughout his body.

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    According to an Associated Press report, medical custody of the child will be transferred to health authorities until after his surgery and recovery. His parents—whom court rules prevent from being named—will retain control over all other decisions unrelated to the operation.

    A Dispute Over Blood Quality

    In a recent interview, the parents explained that they were only concerned about the use of blood that had been “tainted” by the coronavirus vaccines, which they hold to be unsafe.

    “That’s the end of the deal—we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do,” the father said in the interview.

    They also noted that more than 20 unvaccinated donors had offered to help, but the New Zealand Blood Service had not approved.

    In issuing the Wednesday ruling, High Court Judge Ian Gault sided with Health New Zealand, the country’s health service, which had argued that directed blood donations should only occur in exceptional cases—like when the recipient has a rare blood type—and that the proposed unvaccinated donors would not necessarily provide them with access to all the blood products they might require.

    Health authorities also asserted that the vaccines had yet to cause any known harmful side effects with blood transfusions since they had been made available in February 2021.

    On its website, the New Zealand Blood Service declares that “there is no evidence that previous vaccination affects the quality of blood for transfusion,” holding that the vaccine is broken down soon after injection and that any trace amount left after processing would “pose not risk to recipients.”

    The NZ Blood Service also asserts that there is no risk of transferring the spike protein to blood transfusion recipients, contending: “The chance of finding spike protein in donated blood is very small, and it will be in the picogram range if it is there at all. It is not found in the blood after this time period [two weeks after injection] has passed.”

    However, not all experts are in agreement with that assessment.

    Epoch Times Photo
    Anti-vaccination demonstrators supporting mother and father of a four-month-old baby that urgently needs a heart operation demonstrate outside the High Court in Auckland, New Zealand, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022. The court on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022, ruled against the family who had refused blood transfusions for their baby son unless the blood came from donors who hadn’t been vaccinated against COVID-19. (Michael Craig/New Zealand Herald via AP)

    ‘Novel’ Blood

    For instance, as previously reported by The Epoch Times, the German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis (GWG)—comprised of more than 60 scientists from around the world—reported earlier this year that vaccinated individuals have consistently altered blood that contains “novel structures” like rectangular crystals and spirals.

    “These kinds of structures have never been found in human blood before,” GWG wrote in its report (pdf).

    The vaccinated blood also yielded frequent instances of blood clots and changes in blood viscosity, as well as reduced blood flow capacity.

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