Globalist “utopia” is driving mankind to self-extinction, just like what was seen in Calhoun’s mouse experiments


    by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

    The world we currently live in is the antithesis of freedom. It is an engineered globalist experiment involving “caged” living; fake, chemical-laden “food;” social media and technological authoritarianism; and an endless supply of fake fiat “money” that the globalist overlords use to rob the masses and amass more power for themselves. The result of all this will be self-extinction, as demonstrated in scientist John Calhoun’s 1960s “mouse utopia” experiment.

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    That experiment, in case you are unfamiliar with it, involved caging thousands of mice in a giant box and giving them seemingly everything they could ever need – at least from the experimenter’s perspective. They were given all the food and water they could ever want, easily accessible to them, while being insulated from the normal predators these rodents would encounter out in the wild.

    Initially, the mice living in this utopia appeared to thrive. They ate and drank to their heart’s content, reproduced abundantly, and lived happy-seeming lives. Over time, however, problems began to arise, resulting in population declines and an eventual trend towards self-annihilation and extinction.

    Calhoun replicated his experiment multiple times using both mice and rats, and the outcome was the same every time: full-on extinction within 1,588 days. It turns out that small rodents were not meant to live in confined spaces, even when there is seemingly enough of it to go around for everyone.

    According to bioethicist Jan Kuba, Calhoun’s “mouse utopia” experiments are “one of the most important in human history” because there are parallels that can be drawn from them that also apply to modern humanity. The modern West, heavily controlled by globalists who are constantly socially engineering the herd to live and behave in certain ways, is much like Calhoun’s artificial mouse societies – and it appears to be leading towards the same end.

    People living in the United States today can, for the most part, get as much junk food as they want, either with their own labor or with “food stamps.” This food, laden with chemical poisons, rots away their health, causing many of them to become dependent on pharmaceutical drugs, which is little more than globalist sorcery (pharmakeia) posing as “medicine.”

    Bad food and synthetic drugs are just two components of society’s engineered breakdown, but they are important ones because they are both easily accessible without much of a fight. Nobody in America has to fight for either like they would food and herbal medicine out in the wild, were we still a hunter-and-gatherer society.

    Human society’s destruction is deliberate and engineered by the “elite”

    Though humans are not mice, there are common tendencies among both species that suggest our current model of synthetic living is leading humanity down a path of destruction. Many of the same things that happened to the mice in Calhoun’s models are also now happening to humans.

    Birth rates in the West are down, which makes sense in light of the calculated destruction that is being inflicted upon it by the globalists. Food, drugs, entertainment, media psychological operations, and more have worn down the masses and caused many to just give up.

    Homosexuality was normalized beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, which has since morphed into pedophilia, drag queens, transgenderism, and all the other filth that has followed. Males are being forcibly feminized while females are being forcibly masculinized and inserted into all of the formerly male positions across society.

    The end result of all this will be – and we can already see it happening – the total collapse of the West. We certainly have not had a utopia like Calhoun’s mice did, but the West has absolutely been brutalized by a social engineering operation much the same, though with clearly ill-intent, and the inevitable outcome will be a population collapse.

    Towards the end of Calhoun’s mouse experiments, young mice became so messed up by the decaying society around them that they lost the ability and will to survive. The females stopped having more baby mice and instead resorted to selfish pursuits, which means no more young mice were being raised as healthy and productive members of the mouse society.

    “No interest in socialization,” reads a description of the final phase of the mice’s existence in Calhoun’s “utopia.” “No social skills learned by remaining survivors. No ability to be aggressive, which means no ability to defend their young or their nests. Avoidance of all stressful activities, including anything resembling competition. Preoccupation with grooming and physical attractiveness. Inability to navigate challenges of the real world.”

    “Only the outer appearance of being superior, but lacking cognitive and social skills. Totally unable to reproduce, raise young or compete for anything.”

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