New “Food is Medicine” Nutrition Screening, RX, Tracking and Control


    by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

    On September 28, 2022, The White House announced $8 billion in new commitments toward hunger, nutrition, and health. The White House hosted the conference that laid out a “transformational vision for ending hunger and reducing diet-related disease by 2030 – all while closing disparities among the communities that are impacted most.”

    These “new commitments” were determined over the summer, with both private- and public-sector involvement in the funding, stemming from:

    • Philanthropic contributions and donations to community-based organizations

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    • Investments in new businesses that will screen and integrate nutrition into health care

    • $2.5 billion in start-up companies creating “solutions” to hunger and food insecurity

    • Over $4 billion toward “philanthropy that improves access to nutritious food, promotes healthy choices, and increases physical activity”

    The business, civic, academic, and philanthropic “leaders” were announced at this conference in September, who will allegedly end hunger and reduce diet-related disease. The narrative is to convince everyone that it is due to Covid and climate change, and therefore, these ineffective so-called leaders will suddenly have the people’s best interest at heart and finally get the job done. The reality is, the economic decline due to the lockdowns, manufactured supply chain disruptions, putting thousands of companies out of business, intentional inflation, and health conditions exploited during and after the orchestrated plandemic is what has created a loss of income, inability to afford food and gas, and complete disruption in everyone’s well being.

    In addition to the above…

    On November 16, the FDA completed its pre-market consultation for Upside Foods animal cell culture technology to produce chicken from cultured chicken cells. Upside Foods recently launched their lab grown meat facility in California, and is backed by 37 investors, including Bill Gates and Temasek Holdings. As Corey’s Digs has reported for the past five years, herehere, and here, regarding lab grown meat, the FDA and USDA approved the overall process of this long ago and have been working on the overall consultations, cell lines, and labeling regulations. This more recent press release pertains to another step in the FDA approval to bring Upside Foods to market, while inviting other firms to develop cultured animal cell food from livestock, poultry, and seafood, in what they call “a food revolution.”

    Jaydee Hanson, Policy Director of the Center for Food Safety, points out that the FDA’s approval is grossly inadequate. “In this ‘pre-market consultation,’ neither the company nor the FDA presented the actual data from tests looking at the effects of raising these cells in fetal bovine serum and enzymes from the intestines and pancreas of animals … while the company notes that it uses genetic engineering to keep the cells growing, it fails to share which genes are being used. This is vital information that consumers and policymakers need to know to make informed decisions in the best interests of public health. We should make certain that genes linked to cancer are not being used … this is a woefully deficient review by the FDA … who states it has ‘no further questions’ about this experimental product’s safety.”

    On November 21, a new Rule by the FDA hit the Federal Register regarding “Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods.” This comes on the heels of the report Corey’s Digs did on Lab Grown Meat to Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed by FDA & USDA, Along with Smarter Food Safety Blueprint and Traceability all Underway, back in September, 2021. This new rule creates additional recordkeeping requirements for persons who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods the FDA has designated for inclusion on the Food Traceability List (FTL). By “inclusion” they mean “regulated” to track the packing, shipping, receiving, and transforming of foods across the supply chain, under the guise of preventing foodborne illness. This rule goes into effect on January 20, 2023. The 179-page document can be reviewed here, which includes the list of food items, as well as repercussions if these rules are not followed. Some of the food items include: various cheeses, shell eggs, nut butters, herbs, leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, sprouts, fresh cut fruits and vegetables, finfish, and crustaceans. What makes this list most interesting is the fact that the majority of it is now being grown in indoor facilities funded by the same people behind all of these control mechanism agendas, so monitoring and regulating these categories could surely be a means to knock out the competition.

    Their goal is three-fold:

    1) Scoop up as many people as possible into SNAP and WIC programs in order to implement digital food tokens, control the spending and purchases, and gather data to establish the need to move everyone into this food system structure – socialism.

    2) Integrate food with health so as to move policies under one umbrella to more easily create new policies, funding, and ultimate control, which will result in tying together a vaccine ID passport with an all encompassing log of each person’s health record, school, work, travel, food tokens, and of course bank accounts under a digital currency. It is one big master plan. By training thousands of physicians in this new model of “food is medicine,” rolling out nutritional screening, medical meals, and produce prescriptions, they are laying the groundwork for all of this.

    3) Change food standards, categories, and so-called nutrition by removing traditional farming, converting all seeds to patented gene-edited seeds grown indoors, and regulating the ability to farm specific agriculture and cattle from being ranched, all while building a menu of insects, gene-edited food, and lab grown meat.

    Rather than hash through each of these “saviors” listed below, this article will address a handful of them and point to previous reports on Corey’s Digs that provides a more comprehensive understanding for what they are attempting to achieve with this “assistance.” The White House Fact Sheet gives a short breakdown of each organization’s alleged intentions toward this 2030 goal.

    Pillar 1 – Improve Food Access and Affordability

    Benefits Data Trust
    Bowery Farming
    FMI – The Food Industry Association
    Hunger Free Oklahoma
    Hy-Vee, Inc.
    National Grocers Association
    National Head Start Association
    Nayak Farms
    Novo Nordisk
    Rethink Food
    The Wave Foundation
    University of California System
    Warner Bros. Discovery
    Washington State Department of Health


    Pillar 2 – Integrate Nutrition and Health

    American Academy of Pediatrics
    American College of Lifestyle Medicine
    Association of American Medical Colleges and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation
    Boston Medical Center
    Community Servings
    Dohmen Company Foundation
    Find Help
    Graphite Health
    HL7 International
    Joint Commission
    Mass General Brigham
    Medical Education Pledge
    National Committee for Quality Assurance
    National Quality Forum
    Nemours Children’s Health
    Riverside Health System
    Rush University System for Health
    Saffron Labs
    Sanford Health
    SCAN Health Plan
    SSM Health
    Sync for Social Needs
    Tufts Medicine
    University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville


    Pillar 3 – Empower Consumers to MAKE and Have Access to Healthy Choices

    Action for Healthy Kids
    Albertsons Companies
    Chef Andrew Zimmern
    Dole Packaged Foods
    Environmental Working Group
    Food, Nutrition, and Health Investor Coalition
    Hispanic Communications Network
    Independent Restaurant Coalition
    James Beard Foundation
    Kindercare Learning Companies
    National Association of Chain Drug Stores
    National Restaurant Association
    Partnership for a Healthier America
    Plant Based Foods Association
    Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation
    The Boys & Girls Club of Central Mississippi
    Tyson Foods


    Pillar 4 – Support Physical Activity for All

    Community Gyms Coalition
    National Recreation and Park Association
    Special Olympics


    Pillar 5 – Enhance Nutrition and Food Security Research

    American Heart Association
    Children’s Healthwatch
    Grow Local
    International Fresh Produce Association
    Rockefeller Foundation
    Seafood Nutrition Partnership
    University of Arkansas School of Law: Journal of Food and Law Policy

    Behind The Smokescreens

    “Food is Medicine” are THE keywords being used to campaign, launch programs, change policies and financing, aggregate data, tie the health care industry in with the food supply, and ultimately screen, track, and control people through food. While they make the claim that it’s all about “nutrition,” after perusing many of their websites, the true words being used are:

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