Some Really Weird Things Are Starting To Happen Up In The Heavens…


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Should we be alarmed that so much strangeness is happening in the skies above us right now?  All throughout human history, people have considered great events that happen in the heavens to be extremely significant.  And Jesus specifically warned us that there would be “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” during the times just before His return.  That doesn’t mean that anything that we are witnessing right now has any sort of special meaning.  Ultimately, it could just be a “coincidence” that so many weird things are starting to happen.  But to me, it does seem quite odd that so much strangeness is taking place all at once.

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    Let me give you an example.  On November 8th, we will witness a total lunar eclipse on election day for the first time in the entire history of the United States

    For the first time in US history, a total lunar eclipse will take place on election day, beginning and ending before the polling stations open. The next time a total lunar eclipse will happen on election day will be in 372 years on Tuesday, November 8, 2394.

    The eclipse will begin at 5:16 a.m. EST and ends at 6:41 a.m., for a total duration of about 85 minutes.

    In addition, we are being told that this total lunar eclipse will be a “blood moon”

    A lunar eclipse takes place when the earth is between the sun and the moon, and the moon passes through the earth’s shadow. In this case, the earth’s shadow will block out 97% of the moon’s surface. This eclipse will be a “blood moon”, the result of atmospheric conditions that give the moon a reddish tint rather than black when it moves into the shadow. The red color comes from some of the sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere where it gets bent and colors like blue or green are filtered out, leaving behind longer wavelengths like the color red.

    Blood moons are often associated with war, but that doesn’t mean that a major war is about to erupt.

    However, it is also interesting to note that a planet that was named after Rome’s pagan god of war is also making news.

    According to Forbes, the planet Mars will soon “appear to go backwards”

    The fourth planet Mars will soon shine brighter than the night sky’s brightest star—Sirius—but during its entire “opposition” period it will be doing something that’s hard to grasp. It will appear to go backwards.

    As of today Mars will reverse its apparent west-to-east movement in the night sky and begin moving from east-to-west against the background stars.

    This is referred to as “retrograde motion”, but Mars will not actually be changing direction.

    The truth is that it will only appear to be moving backwards because of our point of view

    Mars in retrograde is all only about perspective.

    Earth orbits the Sun closer than the Mars. “Earth is moving faster around the Sun—taking 364-and-a-bit days to Mars’ 687 days—so from our point of view, as we come round the Sun, Mars is ahead of us in the sky,” said Dr. Simon Morden, planetary geologist and author of a new book The Red Planet: A Natural History of Mars (find a review here). “As we catch-up and go past it, it looks like it’s starting to go backwards.”

    Meanwhile, a “face on the sun” has been making headlines all over the globe

    It turns out that anyone who drew a smiley-faced sun as a kid has been scientifically proved — somewhat — right. Last week, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured an image of the biggest object in our solar system looking like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from “Ghostbusters,” the baby-faced “Teletubbies” sun or a jack-o’-lantern (if you’re into the Halloween spirit).

    Of course the coronal holes that are causing the sun to look like it has a face can actually be quite dangerous.

    In fact, a physics professor at the University of California at San Diego named Brian Keating has explained that these coronal holes could potentially “cause severe disruptions to the atmosphere on Earth”

    The coronal holes aren’t just interesting shapes moving around the sun’s surface. They’re areas of high magnetic-field activity steadily sending solar wind — or a flow of protons, electrons and other particles — into the universe.

    “More so than a smiley face, its eyes are like gleaming laser beams sending particles that can cause severe disruptions to the atmosphere on Earth,” Keating said.

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