“They Will Steal The Midterms”


    by Emerald Robinson, Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way:

    Thanks to the authors of The Parallel Election for sending me the following information about election fraud being prepared for the 2022 mid-terms in Delaware County, PA.

    First, read this announcement.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/


    What does this mean?

    According to Leah Hoopes, the co-author of The Parallel Election:

    This means mail-in and absentees were sent out this past weekend by October 8th.  

    The announcement of logic and accuracy was posted to the Philadelphia Inquirer on October 6th and the official notice is attached below. In which they state in plain language the logic and accuracy testing will commence on October 11th. 

    According to Leah Hoopes, the co-author of The Parallel Election, the steal is on again:

    So, this means all absentee and mail in ballots were sent out without being tested. Which according to the directive MUST BE DONE!

    Why is this important?

    Every Precinct, Every style for that Precinct, Every Split for that Precinct are to be used, with every race option available, each candidate and Write-In available needs to be marked and Undervotes with Overvotes. Those ballots should also be FOLDED, just like they would be when mailed via the USPS or placed into a Ballot Box. Next you need to do the same for Election Day, same testing as for the By-Mail (Absentee) ballot treatment. Every system, every device. That would be a Logic & Accuracy test. And it would include the Vdrives, each type of scanner, all the way up to the Server, uploading into the SERVER using the R T R (Recording, Tally and Reporting) phases of the Election Management System.

    We saw this and wrote about this in 2020 not only in our court case, but also our book The Parallel Election. They are using this loophole to cause issues with scanners, so that the polling places are unable to reconcile, allowing them to insert fake ballots, pre-programmed V drives with the count they need with no chain of custody and a forensically destructive process. 

    Read More @ emeralddb3.substack.com