The Polls are Lying: Dems in Deep Trouble


    by Fletch Daniels, American Thinker:

    The Democrat media, in conjunction with their allies in the polling industry, have driven the false narrative that the Democrats are likely to defy both history and their historically awful record and do fairly well in the midterms, particularly in Senate races.

    To borrow a word from Mr. 10%, this has always been malarkey.  We go through this same dance every cycle where the polls miraculously start to shift towards the Republicans in the last month, as polling outfits grudgingly start moving towards something resembling reality to avoid copious amounts of eggs on their face.

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    But, even at that, the polls during this cycle are likely the worst we’ve ever seen and the fault lies more with the administration than the polling industry.   There is simply no way to accurately capture voting percentages when broad swaths of the country are hiding their views.

    The alignment of the Democrat media, academia, the leftist government bureaucracy, social media, and entertainment industry into a cultural Death Star aimed at Republicans birthed the concept of the “shy” voters.  In 2016, this phenomenon helped to explain how Republicans, to include President Trump, overperformed their polls.

    But a lot has changed since 2016.  Where voters might have once had concerns about how they would be perceived, they now know that the government and its cultural flying monkey minions view them as the enemy.  The scales have fallen from their eyes.  So, the shy voter has been replaced by the smart voter who has seen far too much evidence that the government is out to get him, or at least to monitor and silence him.

    This noxious government has been leveraging all its resources and ideological allies to run both a terror campaign and a silencing campaign that would make some of history’s worst authoritarians blush.

    The complete political weaponization of all the government agencies enabled the terror campaign, aimed squarely at even the most peaceful conservatives.  Americans have watched Gestapo-like FBI raids and arrests against peaceful Christian pro-life protestors, complete with drawn guns and handcuffs, and have seen the FBI mobilized to intimidate concerned parents attending school board meetings.  How many times in a week do Americans now say, “I never thought I’d see something like that in this country?”

    They’ve seen January 6 protestors literally erased from society, thrown into cesspool-like prisons with no sense of due process, where they have been so mistreated that they’ve asked to be transferred to Guantanamo.

    Conservative Americans know that nobody who draws the eye of Sauron will walk away unscathed even if they ultimately prevail in court, forced to spend all their time and resources trying to defend themselves against the tyrannical state.  Even where the government and its handmaidens can’t use sympathetic judges and venues to destroy innocent lives, they will use the process to punish to send a very clear message.

    Military members have been forced to sit through reeducation lectures and meetings on extremism in which a sizable number of the participants understood that the powers that be were far more concerned with them than any foreign terrorist or enemy state.  Americans have watched as their family and friends have been fired for refusing to assent to tyranny.

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