Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tag: US Intel Report: Russia NOT Looking for Direct Clash with West

US Intel Report: Russia NOT Looking for Direct Clash with West

from 21st Century Wire:

According to funding records, the annual US budget for ‘intelligence-gathering’ is just over $100 billion. Despite this big ticket spending spree, it’s seems that Washington has been stuck behind the curve when it comes to its geostrategic policy and decision-making. 

After two years of dragging the country of Ukraine into an impossible proxy war against Russia, Washington’s intel agencies have finally concluded that Moscow is seeking to avoid direct clash with the West. Of course, this flies in the face of all the media and political propaganda being reproduced in the western political economy.

US Intel Report: Russia NOT Looking for Direct Clash with West

from 21st Century Wire:

According to funding records, the annual US budget for ‘intelligence-gathering’ is just over $100 billion. Despite this big ticket spending spree, it’s seems that Washington has been stuck behind the curve when it comes to its geostrategic policy and decision-making. 

After two years of dragging the country of Ukraine into an impossible proxy war against Russia, Washington’s intel agencies have finally concluded that Moscow is seeking to avoid direct clash with the West. Of course, this flies in the face of all the media and political propaganda being reproduced in the western political economy.