by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:
Update: Here is Rep. Jim Jordan giving Cheatle hell. As you can see, the Republicans are not even in the ball park. The issue as framed by Republicans and media is: did the Secret Service provide enough resources to protect Trump. This is not the issue. The media will treat Jordan as a Republican male picking on a woman.
Rep. Jordan should be asking: “Did the Secret Service collect the fired bullets?” “All of them?” “Are they all from the same rifle?” “What is the explanation for the acoustic evidence showing shots from different distances?” “How can the same rifle be in different locations?” “This implies more than one shooter.” “Did the Secret Service overlook other disturbed ‘lone gunmen’ in addition to Crooks, or does the acoustic evidence indicate a deep state plot to kill Trump?” “Is the Secret Service making any effort to discover if there was a plot?”