by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:
As a preface to today’s column, it may be best to give a reminder that in the Old Testament there were two Prophets that authored books that chronicled the people of Israel after their return from exile in Babylon, although ten tribes short of where they were when they were taken captive. Tradition also holds Ezra was the author of First and Second Chronicles, and he was accompanied by Nehemiah and his book in the Old Testament of the same time period. Not in the officially accepted record, but rather in the Apocrypha we also find two more books by the prophet Ezra. In the second of those two books he had a vision (chapters 11 (the vision) and 12 (the interpretation of it)) of an Eagle that presages the historical record of the Presidents of the United States. We have spoken of this a number of times before so we will not go over it again except to mention the point that the short Eagle Feather (President) after Trump is to have a shorter reign than Trump and the one following him to be shorter still. Trump qualifies as a short feather because he did not serve the second term that he was legally elected to fill (2 Esdras 11:12 “And I beheld, and lo, there was one set up, but shortly it appeared no more”); and Biden will not finish this current term in order to be a feather shorter than Trump (2 Esdras 11:27 “And the second was sooner away than the first.”). That being said, let’s see why I give this reminder.