Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Tag: Prepare To Defend The Freedom To Have Your Own Thoughts As ‘The Enemies Of Liberty’ Wage War Upon ‘We The American People

Prepare To Defend The Freedom To Have Your Own Thoughts As ‘The Enemies Of Liberty’ Wage War Upon ‘We The American People,’ Targeting Half The Country For ‘Formal Deprogramming’


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

Just what is an American?  Merriam-Webster gets the fundamentals just right when they said “an American Indian of North America or South America….or inhabitant of North America or South America…. a native or inhabitant of the U.S. ….a U.S. citizen”.  That makes perfect sense because the term American covers all of that, because America is the whole of the Western continents while it also is applied to specific populations within that area as well as specifically to those (citizen or not) residing within the United States of America.  In this discussion we are concerned with the later group, those of us living within the USA and more specifically CITIZENS of this nation.  We are gravely concerned because of the war being waged upon We the American People, has gotten so far out of hand that it will require some very intense work to stem the tide if we are to succeed to live or even stay alive.  It is not just citizens, but more specifically those of us that are molded in the form of the real American tradition being most likely Christian, conservative, abiding the Laws of the Republic that guarantees our Liberty (the US constitution specifically) and working hard to improve our situations and raise decent families as God intended us to do.  The current anti-American regime infesting our nation is working as hard as they can to destroy just that, and all of us in the process.