Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tag: NEWS The Whitmer ‘kidnapping hoax’ is on the brink of collapse…

NEWS The Whitmer ‘kidnapping hoax’ is on the brink of collapse…

from Revolver News:

The Whitmer “kidnapping plot,” “fednapping,” or “hoax,” as it’s more commonly called, is likely one of the biggest entrapment cases the FBI ever staged, aside from January 6. The two plots are intricately connected and part of the same regime scheme to paint Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. However, when news broke about this “kidnapping plot,” Revolver News could smell a rat. We were ahead of the curve, being among the very first to connect the dots between the Michigan Kidnapping Plot and the January 6th Fedsurrection. Our groundbreaking article from three years ago sounded the alarm about possible federal involvement on January 6th, using the Michigan fiasco as a prime example.