Friday, December 13, 2024

Tag: NATO Plans for War’ with guest George Szamuely

NATO Plans for War’ with guest George Szamuely

from 21st Century Wire:

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio, with host Patrick Henningsen bringing you this week’s top stories, both domestically and internationally. We’re joined by geopolitical analyst George Szamuely, author of Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslaviato discuss the NATO’s escalation in Ukraine in their bid to launch a full-blown war against Russia – with Britain leading the charge in the hopes they can drag Washington, and the world, into an ‘Article 5 trap’. George also talks about US plans to stoke instability and new ‘color revolutions’ in Serbia and the Balkan region, as a way to antagonise and over-extend Russia. We also connect with our roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine, for additional commentary and insights, and Bryan McClain aka Hesher host of the Boiler Room and State of the Nation on TNT Radio with his reportage from the US southern border. All this and much more.