Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tag: James Woods Kicks off with the Real Result of Trump’s Historic Trial

James Woods Kicks off with the Real Result of Trump’s Historic Trial

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Mr. Woods notes that the absurd Trump trial is historic in its 248-year history, and explains why. It’s not what the Left thinks.

“Here’s the real result of this absurd show trial worthy of Stalin that embarrassed America in the eyes of the world: Republicans can now rally around a “convicted criminal” devoted to neither political party, but rather to a nation he loves deeply, or they can submissively crawl back to some weak, limp RINO candidate the Democrats approve of and can beat handily in yet another rigged election. Short version: America is left with two choices: a one-party system of corrupt socialist thugs or an all out revolution in our political structure.”