Friday, December 13, 2024

Tag: Don’t Fall For It

Don’t Fall For It, It’s Another Trick (Ep. 2044)


from The Dan Bongino Show:


Don’t Fall For It


    by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

    Breathlessly, I tell you, breathlessly, over-unity fusion has been achieved!

    Don’t buy that bullshit; they’re lying.

    Specifically its crap until you can show me all of the following:

    • A sustainable reaction that continues for hours, not microseconds.  I can’t make power out of a single microsecond event.  I can make power out of a reaction that continues for hours and evolves energy while doing so.  Until you can do the latter you have nothing and nothing in the current results, assuming they’re real, nor anything in prior results suggests progress toward that.