Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tag: Distract

Distract, Divide and Conquer: The Painful Truth About the State of Our Union


    by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

    Step away from the blinders that partisan politics uses to distract, divide and conquer, and you will find that we are drowning in a cesspool of problems that individually and collectively threaten our lives, liberties, prosperity and happiness.

    These are not problems the politicians want to talk about, let alone address, yet we cannot afford to ignore them much longer.

    Foreign interests are buying up our farmland and holding our national debt. As of 2021, foreign persons and entities owned 40.8 million acres of U.S. agricultural land, 47% of which was forestland, 29% in cropland, and 22% in pastureland. Foreign land holdings have increased by an average of 2.2 million acres per year since 2015. Foreign countries also own $7.4 trillion worth of U.S. national debt, with Japan and China ranked as our two largest foreign holders of our debt.