by Dr. Peter McCullough, America Outloud:
For nearly two years, clinicians have been warning government leaders and the public about COVID-19 mass vaccination and the scenarios that can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest. There are many well-documented acute anaphylactoid reactions that happen in the vaccine center requiring CPR and advanced life support. After the patient goes home, there can be “reactogenic” symptoms that develop over the next few days, including chest pain, palpitations, and well-documented cardiac death due to acute myocarditis.
What is far more common, but more insidious is either subclinical myocarditis leading to a scar in the heart and the nidus for a fatal arrhythmia or a blood clot developing in the legs or pelvic veins followed by sudden embolism to the lungs. Both circumstances would create the vignette consistent with a young person suffering witnessed or unwitnessed cardiac arrest.