Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Parents Sue Over Washington State Law Letting State Give Gender Treatments to Runaway Kids

by Michael Tennant, The New American:

A group of concerned parents is suing Washington-state officials over a new law that allows the state to provide gender-transition treatments to runaway children without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

According to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court Wednesday by America First Legal (AFL), Engrossed Senate Substitute Bill (SB) 5599, which took effect July 23, “authorizes the state to refer a minor for ‘behavioral health services’ without defining what that entails, potentially meaning that a minor could receive — at least — mental health services that the parents would not endorse, and arguably also medical treatment that the parents would not authorize. There is no age minimum in SB 5599 for such services.”

The ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Are the Baddies


by D. Parker, American Thinker:

There’s been a profound societal change, and the once-fringe fascist far left is now a dominating political force — they are the wealthy pseudo-elites of Washington, and after decades of tyrannical abuse, the backlash is here.

In recent weeks, two cultural works have emerged from two disparate sources, essentially saying the same thing: Two weeks ago, David Brooks of the ever-erudite The New York Times penned “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” in which he admitted the obvious (at least to everyone on the pro-freedom right). Then, Oliver Anthony exploded onto the scene with his “Ballad for the Real Forgotten Man” or, “Rich Men North of Richmond”. The song is a rhetorical broadside against unlimited government, the surveillance state, and the baddies of the self-styled political aristocracy that:

China’s Shadow Bank Crisis Stokes Fear Of Housing Spillover

from ZeroHedge:

By Charlie Zhu, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategist

Three things we learned last week:

1. One of China’s shadow banking giants fell into a liquidity crisis, showing how contagion from the troubled real estate industry is spreading and raising questions of how far the crunch will now go. Trust companies linked to Zhongzhi Enterprise Group Co., which has assets of more than 1 trillion yuan, missed payments on dozens of products, many of which may have been backed by real estate projects real estate projects.

SUNDAY SPECIAL w/ Dr. Peter McCullough and Christopher Rufo

from The Dan Bongino Show:

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The Next Major War Is Reportedly About To Begin, And “D-Day” Has Already Been Chosen

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Not another one.  As I have repeatedly warned my readers, leaders all over the globe seem to have come down with a really bad case of war fever.  Instead of sitting down and attempting to find solutions through diplomacy, many of our leaders seem quite eager to use military force to settle matters these days.  There is no peaceful end to the war in Ukraine on the horizon, China is making preparations to invade Taiwan, and the “shadow war” in the Middle East could easily erupt into a full-blown regional conflict.  But in this article I am going to focus on the next war that is reportedly about to begin.  A group of nations in western Africa known as ECOWAS is preparing to invade Niger with the approval of the EU and the Biden administration, and CNN is reporting that “D-Day” has already been chosen…

X is Hiring Staff To ‘Combat Election Disinfo’.

by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse:

X, Elon Musk’s social media platform, is actively seeking to hire a so-called disinformation specialist, releasing a call for applications in an effort to censor certain users ahead of the 2024 election. The move has sparked concern, especially in relation to similar actions taken during the 2020 election and the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk, who pledged to uphold the values of free speech. Critics, including Mike Benz from the Foundation For Freedom Online, have raised the issue of possible covert censorship channels and an increased threat to online freedom if these positions are filled.

MESSAGE / SECURITY: Assassination Attempt on my Life – Post Parcel from Kiev to Switzerland

from neutralswiss:

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Coming To a Store Near You – Uzbekistan Introduces Vaccinated Milk Against Coronavirus

from Great Game India:

In Uzbekistan, a variant of milk was recently introduced on the market that, according to the manufacturer, has the ability to strengthen the immune system, a product that claims to be able to neutralize the coronavirus. As reported by News Academy Italia, the induced activities of the “Virus” seem to have no end. The coronavirus appears to be unstoppable in generating profit and power.

Medical Freedom Group Warns School-Based Health Centers are Threatening Parental Rights


by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

‘The scope of services is well beyond what you would find with school nurse services. It goes into reproductive counseling, dental care, mental health counseling, behavioral services. And this replaces what your child would typically receive from a primary care provider with parental engagement,’ Stand for Health Freedom’s Leah Wilson said.

Man Escapes Maui Police KILL ZONE: “They Blocked Everything Off & Forced Everybody On Front Street”

from Tim Truth:

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Something Is Terribly Wrong in Maui – Part 2

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

In Part 1, we asked these questions: How far would the globalists go to prove that climate change exists? Would they catch an island on fire?

We have author Dr. Miles Stones who published a book on Amazon the day after the fires. Stones previously published books were on Hunter Biden and the vegan diet, hardly making him a climate expert. Jeff D. Noble also published an Amazon book; he has previously written books on the F-15 aircraft and the Chinese spy balloon. Are they real people? Opportunists? Or pawns in driving the narrative?

The Gender Revolution Dehumanizing Our Kids

by Mark Tapson, FrontPage Mag:

A handful of years ago, who could have imagined that the grandest, most advanced civilization in history would go off the rails to such a degree that a Supreme Court Justice – herself a woman – declares herself unqualified to define what a woman is because she is not a biologist? Who could have imagined that authoritative medical institutions in the Western world would promote the biological impossibility that men can give birth and have periods, or would encourage the medical mutilation of children supposedly “assigned” the wrong “gender” at birth? That the language with which we define our shared reality could be perverted so successfully that we have traded “mothers” for “birthing persons,” “women” for “uterus-havers,” and “vaginas” for “bonus holes”? That we would celebrate men for dominating women’s sports, winning women’s beauty pageants, and usurping the coveted cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue?

House GOP Finds Proof Joe Biden Is Guilty: “This email ties Joe Biden and Hunter Biden into this corruption scheme without a shadow of doubt”

by David Hawkins, Slay News:

House Republicans found emails that prove “without a shadow of doubt” that Joe Biden abused his power as Vice President to protect his son. (See Video Below) James Comer said:

“Biden used at least 3 fake names in emails he was receiving from the federal government and we learned that when he was receiving emails from Ukaine Hunter Biden was copied on them.

“This is obvious that Joe Biden abused his power as Vice President to protect his son and this email ties Joe Biden and Hunter Biden into this corruption scheme without a shadow of doubt.