Saturday, February 15, 2025



from Pureblood:


VIDEO: Guest Claims Mandalay Bay Hotel Completely ‘Covered Up’ and Sealed Mass Shooter Stephen Paddock’s Room


by Anthony Scott, The Gateway Pundit:

The Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Hotel shooting was the deadliest mass shooting in American history that left 60 people dead and over 800 people injured.

Despite the shooting occurring in 2017, authorities have yet to release any solid motive for why the gunman, Stephen Paddock, opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers from his hotel room.

The plethora of unanswered questions has led several private investigators and even guests of the hotel to search for their own answers.


from Banned Youtube Videos:


New Evidence Reveals Deep State Behind “Hispanic Nazi Mass Shooter” Conspiracy – Photos Came from Previously Unrelated NY Post Article – COMPLETE LIES!

from The Gateway Pundit:

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that at least 8 people died Saturday, including the shooter, following a mass shooting at the Allen Premium Outlet mall in Allen, Texas. The mainstream media is desperate to pin the tragedy by an Hispanic sociopath on “white supremacy.”

The Gateway Pundit reported the feds are allegedly investigating whether shooter Mauricio Garcia expressed interest in white supremacy. Over the weekend, The Washington Post even floated the idea that the Hispanic shooter may have had ‘Neo-Nazi’ beliefs.

David Stockman on Tucker Carlson’s Firing And Corporate Suicide Run Amok

by David Stockman, International Man:

We are not sure what the Murdochs were smoking last Monday morning when they shot the immensely profitable Fox News Channel in the kneecaps, but we do know that Tucker Carlson was one of a kind among commentators in the vast journalistic wasteland otherwise known as television news.

Indeed, on issue after issue in recent years Tucker treaded forthrightly where his MSM competitors in both print and broadcast media feared to go. Perhaps that was because he was deeply informed, historically read and literate and possessed of an incisive, open, inquisitive mind that was not about to play passive stenographer to either the Deep State or the lobbies and corporate interests that suffuse the Washington beltway.

Planet Earth Just One ‘False Flag’ Or ‘Accident’ Away From A Nightmare – With America’s Foreign Policy Driven By Globalist Psychopaths, All Of These Signs Hint Of World War 3 Dead Ahead

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Taking a look at 3 new stories over at Zero Hedge, one might think we’re closing in on WW3. With the most recent one reporting Russia’s Navy Port At Sevastopol Is On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack, after a major overnight and early morning attack on one of Russia’s key Black Sea naval ports, with multiple social media videos showing massive blazes at the Sevastopol shipyard, leaving numerous people dead and at least 24 people injured, the two other’s were titled “NATO Baltic War Games Simulate Article 5 Collective Defense War With Russia” and “NATO Prepares For Biggest Military Exercise Since Cold War, And Close To Russia,” leaving the world one accident away from a nightmare.

Russian Activist Says FBI Tried to Contact Him, Prompt Him to Take Illegal Actions

from Sputnik News:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Alexander Ionov, a Russian human rights activist and anti-globalist who has a $10 million bounty on his head in the United States for alleged election meddling, told Sputnik that the FBI attempted to establish contact with him and questioned social activists who took part in joint Russian-US conferences.

The Decline of the 9/11 Truth Movement

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

We are now at the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks that ushered in our current century and unleashed a series of wars, killing or displacing many millions. The highest-profile terrorist attacks in human history had tremendous importance both for the world and our own country, but a couple of decades later their memory has now dimmed, especially after the worldwide Covid epidemic and Russia’s Ukraine war, two much more recent events of even greater global magnitude.

Is Ukraine Planning a False Flag Attack on Their Own Nuclear Plant?

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

With precedent set after the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines and the Nova Kakhovka dam, nothing seems off the table for those who want this war to spread into WWIII.

“False Flag” was trending on Twitter Tuesday night and for good reason. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared Russia is about to destroy the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station. Russia responded by saying Ukraine is going to blow it up to try to frame Russia.

Who’s lying?

Deep State Psyop? Dude Puts Nazi Flag in U-Haul, Then Rams Barrier Outside of White House

by J.D. Rucker, The Liberty Daily:

It seems the Deep State is running out of ideas after years of failing to get their coveted white-supremacist-domestic-terrorist predictions to come true across the country. They appear to have opted for a headline-grabbing incident with visuals and, of course, a video.

Corporate media is already having their fun with this fake news. According to NBC News:

Anniversary of 9/11 – One of the Biggest False Flag Attacks on Americans To False Flag Wildfires of Today

by Caroline Chang, AmericanMediaPeriscope:

While writing in my journal this morning, I realized today’s date, 9/11. This is the 22nd Anniversary of the 2nd largest False Flag attacks on American citizens ever. The largest False Flag attack happened in March 2020 with the fake global COVID-19 pandemic.

Many people who are now awake and are a part of the Truth and Freedom movement still believe there is a virus, they believe in a manmade virus being used as a bio-weapon, and there is not one shred of evidence to support that notion or idea. It is all fake, fake virus, fake tests, fake death numbers, just like 9/11, not one word is true. The bio-weapon are the COVID shots.

Hmm: A French Film Released Last Year Depicts Muslims Rioting After a Teen Was Killed by Police

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Some will say it’s a coincidence. Others will attribute it to “predictive programming.” I believe the French movie “Athena” released last year simply put on screen a scenario that has always been likely when imbalanced multiculturalism is forced upon a western nation.

The current riots in France are literally burning down parts of the nation. They were prompted by the police killing of a 17-year-old Muslim boy, Nahel M. What started as protests in the beginning of the week has escalated to what some are calling a mini-civil war.





Does not get more False Flag than this. Complete with the leftwing drums.


Pelosi’s daughter caught on video appearing to explain key parts of the J6 psyop…

from Revolver News:

Hundreds of thousands attended the “Save America” rally on January 6th. With such a massive crowd, if there had been a real intent to “take over” the US Capitol, it likely would have happened. What we actually saw was, for the most part, a peaceful protest. Yes, mostly peaceful, because with that many people gathered and potential instigators involved, it’s remarkable that the chaos was as limited, contained, and brief as it was.