Saturday, February 15, 2025

After years of dishonesty & manipulation, there are so many reasons to celebrate the death of legacy media.



from SGT Report:

Election night 2024: Friends, Cacklin’ Kamala Harris needs 700,000 votes in Philadelphia to pull off a win in Pennsylvania. In 2016 Clinton got 560,542 votes in Philly. In 2020 Biden got 603,790 votes there. This thing is TOO BIG TO RIG and the whole world is watching. Seth Holehouse returns to SGT Report on election day to cover all of the latest. Thanks for tuning in and God bless America!

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Seth’s site:

Is This The Biggest Suppression Poll in History?

by Matt Margolis, Townhall:

I warned you about suppression polls, and the mother of all suppression polls appears to have just dropped.

And it’s not even from a swing state.

The latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll just dropped, and it claims that Kamala Harris has a three-point lead in Iowa.

Are the Presstitutes Final Days at Hand?


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

In a recent interview I was asked who would win the American presidential election.  In the US the definition of a “win” can easily be a Democrat theft. Over the many decades during which in former times Democrats represented the working class, the Democrats gained political control of the cities in which the working class resided.  This means Democrats preside over election procedures and what votes are cast and counted. 

Playing It Again—The Hitler Card

by David Stockman, Lew Rockwell:

Here they go again. The Dem-wing of the UniParty is so bereft of reasons to deny the GOP-wing its turn in the Oval Office that it is once again desperately playing the Hitler Card. And it gets richer still. This time it’s on the word of disgruntled ex-employee who was subjected to the “you’re fired!” treatment by the Donald— and in real life for good reason, not just on a TV show for make-pretend entertainment.

The Media Is Desperate to BRAINWASH Americans Against Trump

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

I noticed a peculiar thing yesterday morning.

My newsfeed was filled with headlines attacking Trump as being horribly racist. Major news outlets were comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler and likening his rally at Madison Square Garden to Hitler’s Nazi rally held there in 1939. Some of them were simply astounding in their toxicity.



by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

This is not a joke. This was the actual opinion page of the NYT on Sunday. These despicable lying fucks have been peddling false narratives, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies about Trump, on behalf of the CIA and Deep State for the last eight years, and they have the balls to print this drivel. No wonder their readership is at all-time lows, they lose millions of dollars, and most people wouldn’t even line their bird cage with this tripe.

Menendez Propaganda: Can We Stop Feeling Bad For Murderers? | Candace Ep 90

from Candace Show Podcast:


This is not Maga. Mega does not cover their faces.

This is powerful research. An amazing exposing of truth on how America’s media is controlled.


BREAKING: Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are “Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics

Only idiots, at this stage, still trust any mainstream American news-media.

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Leading up to America’s shameful illegal destructive and evil invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003, all of the U.S. mainstream news-media were uncritically trumpeting the White House’s lies against Iraq and Saddam Hussain, none of these propaganda-organizations were reporting the clearly-established but unpublicized crucial truths. After the falsehood of the White House’s allegations had become no longer credible even to most of the highly deceived American public, the U.S. Government’s excuse became that it had all been due to ‘intelligence failures’ (and U.S.-and-allied ‘historians’ continue to this day to trumpet that lie), but this too was nothing more than a blatant lie. All of this is thoroughly documented HERE. (That’s my article on the Iraq-matter, which links to all of its evidences.) Ever since then, I have known for certain that I live under a dictatorship — even the claim that America is a democracy is no longer true (if it ever was) — and that this Government routinely violates the U.S. Constitution, with total impunity.

Epstein Victim Drops Election Surprise – Media Blackout

from ZeeeMedia:


Yet Another Noose Hoax


from Moonbattery:

According to the moonbat antireligion, anything even vaguely resembling a noose symbolizes black oppression, as if only blacks were ever hanged. This makes pulling hate hoaxes so easy, even Bubba Wallace can do it. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again innocent loops are presented as racist nooses. By now, all but the most laughable liberals roll their eyes at shrieks of hysteria over imaginary nooses having been found. Yet the idiocy continues:

Media Uses Hurricane Helene to Promote “Global Warming” Agenda

by Eric Lendrum, American Greatness:

Even as the death toll from Hurricane Helene continues to rise, pundits in the mainstream media are rushing to use the disaster as an excuse to promote their narrative that “global warming” is real.

As reported by Just The News, a number of prominent anchors, commentators, and other television personalities have used the occasion of the hurricane to spread lies about so-called “global warming,” also referred to as “climate change.”