Saturday, February 15, 2025

Dengue Outbreak In Bangladesh Is Being Blamed On “Climate Change”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the ruling classes are blaming all disease and plandemics on “climate change.” Bangladesh’s dengue fever outbreak is the “canary in the coal mine” as far as The World Health Organization is concerned.

The rulers will need to steal more of the slave money and labor and freedom in order to fight “climate change,” the cause of literally everything.

JUST IN – Germany’s ruling left-green-liberal coalition passes controversial bill to phase out oil and gas heating systems.


Climate Scientist Spills the Beans

from Moonbattery:

The media shrieks that we are doomed because global warming causes ever worsening forest fires; we will all burn up if we do not sacrifice our freedom and standard of living so that the government can prevent the climate from fluctuating. Liberals crow that they have the Science on their side.

True enough, scientific papers support the liberal narrative. This is hardly surprising, considering that they are a product of academia — that is, the liberal establishment.

Top Climate Scientist Reveals the Key Fact He Deliberately OMITTED In “Climate Change” Paper to Pacify Woke Editors and Get His Paper Published in Top Scientific Journal

by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

A prominent climate scientist has come forward and admitted his role in deceiving the public on “climate change.” At the same time, he also exposed the inordinate power woke editors at scientific magazines have over the careers of actual scientists.

Patrick T. Brown, a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and doctor of earth and climate sciences, wrote in the Free Press that climate science must now fit into “pre-approved narratives” to receive publication by notable scientific journals. He also revealed that he omitted a key fact regarding climate change and fires in a recent paper for one of these journals.

Biden Admin Facing Backlash over Climate Crackdown on Dishwashers

by Nick R. Hamilton, Slay News:

President Joe Biden’s administration is facing a major backlash over plans to crack down on the use of dishwashers in American homes.

The Biden admin has proposed a regulatory crackdown on dishwashers as part of a sweeping fight against the perceived threat of “climate change.”

However, a coalition of over a dozen industry and consumer groups has issued a scathing criticism of the plan.

The Conspiracy behind the Huge Wave of Wildfires currently sweeping the World exposed by Dr David Martin

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The whole world seems like it’s on fire. Fires are ravaging Maui, Canada, Greece, France—you name it. But when you dig deeper, something’s off. Government mismanagement, questionable land acquisitions, and even newly minted laws raise eyebrows. Are we witnessing a bad wave of natural, runaway wildfires, or is there something else going on?

These fires may just be the smoke signals of a bigger problem lurking beneath the flames.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: “For the last 300 years we have been in a slight warming period. It started 150 years before we even used any fossil fuels, and its rate has not changed in the last 150 years, since we started emitting CO2.”


Mel K & Dane Wigington | Irresponsible Weather Warfare is the True Climate Emergency

from The Mel K Show:


Two Elephants in the Climate Change CO2 Production Room

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Noah Smith has a question: What about per capita emissions? I have answers.

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Geologist Demolishes the Climate Scare With Facts and Fun!

by Tom Harris, America Outloud:

No wonder most mainstream media steer clear of interviewing geologists concerning current climate change concerns.

As demonstrated in today’s episode with guest Dr. Ian Plimer, Emeritus Professor of Geology from the University of Melbourne, Australia, today’s changes are trivial compared to natural climate change that has occurred repeatedly over the past 4.5 billion years.

Consider the following graph, for example – there is no consistent correlation between temperature and carbon dioxide levels in the geologic record.

Is BlackRock rebranding ESG as climate-related risks?


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Earlier this month, American rating agency Standard & Poor Global (“S&P Global”) announced it had dropped its use of environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) scores in assessing corporate borrowers, an initiative launched in 2021.

S&P said the ESG ratings had not been accepted by its customers.  Critics have dubbed the practice as “woke capitalism.”

Unfortunately, the move to drop ESG scores may not be the victory for freedom as some may hope.

Once Again, the FDA Admits It Lied to Us. and Once More, We Yawn

by Jonathan Cook, The Unz Review:

The reality is that most of us are not ready for the truth. We want reassurance. We cling to our comfort blankets because the idea that we live in a world in which our and our families’ interests are not paramount is too disturbing.

The idea that our fates are entirely dependent on a giant Ponzi scheme that might come crashing down at any moment from any one of multiple design flaws – an ecological crisis, a nuclear catastrophe, a pandemic or a hubristic mis-step with Artificial Intelligence – is simply too terrifying.

Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons

from Reese Report: