Thursday, April 25, 2024

Confirmed: It Appears Former FBI DC Supervisor D’Antuono Was Lying to House Investigators About the Number of FBI Operatives Embedded in Crowds on January 6

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

As reported earlier on Tuesday, The House Judiciary Republicans sent a letter Tuesday that includes transcribed testimony from former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono.

D’Antuono testified that the FBI had numerous confidential human sources (CHS) in the Trump crowd on January 6.

In fact, they had so many FBI operatives in the crowd they had no idea how many were actually there that day!

D’Antuono had quite a record of failures and lies during his time at the FBI.

Polish Trucker and Farmer Protests Nearing Resolution

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Ukrainian goods are flooding into the European Union through neighboring nations and undermining business. Poland-Ukraine relations have turned sour in recent months as both truckers and farmers from the former believe EU regulations are favoring Ukraine’s economy over their own. Truckers in Poland began blocking four ports of entry from Ukraine in November. Polish farmers set up a barricade at the Shehyni-Medyka crossing after temporarily allowing passage over the Christmas holiday.

The State of Louisiana just passed a bill by 37-0 to not allow a single rule, regulation, policy, tax or mandate to be enforced by the:-

BREAKING: Pentagon Overlords Exempt Ukraine Operations From Government Shutdown

from AlexandraBruce:


WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Dublin’s in flames, and it’ll happen here

Mainstream Media In Freefall As Major Outlets Lose Millions & Layoffs Accelerate

from Red Voice Media:


GoldSeek Radio Nugget — David Morgan:

from GoldSeek Radio:


12 Basic Actions To Make It Through The First 12 Weeks of TEOTWAWKI – Part 1

by Michael X, Survival Blog:

Is TEOTWAWKI imminent? I do not know. But things are slipping toward it happening soon. Will it be a violent, giant crash, like one involving many cars on the turnpike, or will it be a quiet breakdown along the side of a deserted country road?

For myself, at this point, I am not thinking it will be a catastrophic, instantaneous crash caused by nuclear war, an EMP, asteroids, or alien invasion. More likely, I think it could be a slow slide that will catch people off guard until it is finally too late to get the basics in place.

Better Get Ready; Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

You had better get ready for the world of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) because they are coming. And they are coming fast.

According to a recent survey by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), as many as 24 CBDCs could be in circulation by 2030.

This means even more government control over your money.

According to the BIS, 93% of the 86 central banks surveyed said they are conducting work on developing a CBDC. Meanwhile, “The uncertainty about short-term CBDC issuance is fading.”

Black Riots Now to Be Called “Large Gatherings”

from Moonbattery:

Chicago entered the terminal stage of the Democrat Death Spiral with the election of ultramoonbat Brandon Johnson, who openly sides with rioters. The result was inevitable — an explosion of public disorder:

This isn’t the first “teen takeover” in Chicago recently.

The Sulphurous Attraction of Nikki Haley Leads Back to Big Brother and the Globalists

by Boyd D. Cathey, The Unz Review:

Leading MAGA pundit and former Donald Trump administration official Steve Bannon calls them “the Keebler Elves.” I prefer the term “Munchkins,” or maybe “the Five Dwarfs”—No, it’s now just four dwarfs with Tim Scott bowing out: they are the Republican candidates participating in the charade, AKA “the GOP debates,” and desperately hoping—grasping—striving to displace Donald Trump as the frontrunner to oppose brain-dead Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

14 American Cities Agree to Go Full-Marxist, End Dairy, Meat, and Cars by 2030

by Kevin Downey Jr, PJ Media:

If you’ve read my stuff before, you know I’ve taken it upon myself to be the Paul Revere of the Great Reset, if Paul Revere drove a 2005 Mazda Tribute. #HateToBrag.

Klaus Schwab and his evil teams of toilet people aren’t trying to hide their plans for global domination. Quite the contrary, they write and speak openly about how they intend to impound our cars and purloin our sirloin for cleaner clouds or something.

Your Car Stores Your Text Messages – Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

by Stefanie Ladner, The Gateway Pundit:

Your car is smarter than you think.

And it is not a violation of privacy for your car to automatically store text and call data from your cell phone, following a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

Modern convenience often comes with a price of sacrificed privacy, but in this case, the plaintiffs claimed they were unaware of what they were signing away when they connected their smartphones to their cars.

Report – Peter Thiel Is FBI Confidential Human Source

from The Conservative Treehouse:

I have no idea whether this report is accurate, but given the nature of events and revelations in the past several years – this seems plausible, possibly likely.

In the aftermath of the 2020 election outcome, several people on the more libertarian/conservative side of the political spectrum, were concerned about being targeted by an Obama third term. As the rather revelatory story is told today, that provided the motive for Peter Thiel to cozy up to the FBI and avoid being a target.