Monday, February 10, 2025





    from The Red Elephants – Vincent James:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Are You Easy Prey?


      by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

      For many years, I’ve been predicting the coming of a crisis of epic proportions. I’ve focused on the economic and political aspects, although the social aspects will be no less severe.

      This is not the stuff of crystal balls, nor is it mere guesswork. The fundamentals for economic crisis have remained essentially the same for thousands of years, and if we’re diligent enough to study history and analyse the present, we can identify the fundamental ingredients of a crisis in the making. Once we’ve done this, the actual prediction of the event itself is no more inspired than recognising that if we have a bomb filled with explosives and we light the fuse, it will go off.

      American Pravda: Lost Histories of the Great War


        by Ron Unz, The Unz Review:

        Veterans Day came earlier this month, a public holiday that under the name of Armistice Day had originally celebrated the end of the First World War, itself then known as the Great War to those living during that era, over a century ago.

        Globalizing Fake Protests


          by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

          Though the World Cup, like all similar tournaments, must return to their apolitical roots, the U.S. and its allies are the elephants in the room, the flies in the ointment, the mothers of all spoilsports.

          MI5’s BBC news site recently led with the non-story that Chinese protesters are calling for President Xi to resign. How convenient, with the collapse of MI5’s Hong Kong protests, that these gulls are unwittingly acting as a fifth column for the Royal Navy and America’s Seventh Fleet, which stalk the Taiwan Strait! One wonders when the U.S. will arm these peaceful protesters, just as they have previously armed their confreres in Syria, Iran and Hong Kong.

          As The Clock Quickly Ticks Down Towards Deagel’s 2025 Forecast Of Less Than 100 Million People In America, A Catastrophic Die-Off Of Over 225 Million, The Globalists Try To Hide Their Genocide


            by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

            – Living Under A Medical Dictatorship Will Be The ‘New Norm’ If Biden And The Globalists Get Their Way

            While we’ll never get this news from the evening news nor the mainstream media, according to research being done by Edward Dowd, a former expert Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager, there is a staggering amount of ‘excess mortality as 2022 nears its close, with over 2,400 EXCESS Americans DYING each day following the rollout of vaccine mandates.

            Digging Down Into ‘Putin’s Corruption’


              by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

              For years, I have been checking-out allegations of such things as ‘Putin’s Palace’ and ‘Putin’s Chef’, and so many other allegations of Putin’s ‘corruption’ (many of which are against friends and members of his Administration instead of against himself, because the allegations against himself fail to provide any documentation that he actually owns what the allegations attribute to him — there is far too much that is mere supposition in the direct accusations against him).

              Calhoun’s “mouse utopia” experiments are now coming true for humanity as self-annihilation, infanticide and gender distortions become commonplace


                by Mike Adams, Natural News:

                In the 1960’s, a scientist named John Calhoun created a “mouse utopia” where populations of mice would enjoy everything they needed, essentially without effort: Unlimited food, water, living space, population growth without predators and so on. It started with eight mice, who began to reproduce quickly, enjoying their newfound “utopia” with unlimited resources. Within 4 years, however, the population had become extinct through self-annihilation even though all the resources it needed for survival were readily available, including ample space to live.

                Queensland Senator Demands National Security Alert over WEF Global Domination


                  by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

                  Klaus Schwab has publicly boasted about infiltrating government cabinets around the world. His plans for the Great Reset are public information that anyone can access. The World Economic Forum (WEF) molds its Young Leaders as they see fit and strategically places them in positions of power throughout every global agency and government. The agenda has never been a mystery, as Schwab states his intentions on his website, in books, and in every interview. His ideas seem so outlandish to the average person that they have been dismissed as merely a conspiracy, with Schwab being seen as an eccentric billionaire who wants to better the world.

                  A Widespread Revolt Against Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Picks Up Steam


                    by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

                    Local protests in China are not unusual. Revolts against Chinese leaders are another matter because they risk imprisonment or death.

                    Workers Revolt



                      from Citizen of Gotham:

                      TRUTH LIVES on at

                      ELECTION FRAUD: Senator Warnock’s Campaign Calls TN Man and Asks Him to Vote – The Man Records the ENTIRE CALL Then Posts It Online (VIDEO)


                        by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                        Raphael Warnock’s campaign called US Veteran and homeless advocate Dom Lucre this weekend and asked him to vote for far left Senator Warnock in the December runoff election.

                        Dom Lucre lives in Tennessee.

                        And Dom recorded the entire call. The caller had the nerve to feed Dom the liberal lies about Republicans and their power and dark money, blah-blah-blah… Dom shot back that Democrats control everything. They control Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the media and all Republicans have is FOX News.