by Michael G. Zey, American Thinker:
In 2024, President Trump and the Republican Party achieved a significant win, largely because the American public viewed the MAGA/GOP as representing the political center, while perceiving the Democrats’ ideas as more disconnected from mainstream views.
Trump and the GOP promised the voters that, if elected, they would enact policies to secure the nation’s borders, reduce inflation, control government spending, ensure affordable and abundant energy, make the “American Dream” accessible to everyone, safeguard fair and honest elections, defend parental rights, and protect free speech.
The MAGA centrist policy goals resonated with Americans. Trump won the Electoral College by a robust 312-226 margin, won the popular vote handily, and swept all seven battleground states. Over the last three presidential election cycles, Trump has moved Ohio and Florida from swing state status to Republican locks.
Newsweek reports that the results of the 2024 election results suggest that five states once reliably Democratic — New Jersey, Virginia, New Mexico, Minnesota, and New Hampshire — now can be regarded as swing states.
The Republicans’ share of most demographic groups increased from 2020. CNN exit polling showed growing support for Trump and GOP candidates among male Latinos, people under 30, moderates, those in rural areas, and younger and new voters. A recent poll showed Trump garnering a 69% approval rating among blacks.
One key indicator of electoral strength, party identification, signals a core realignment around the MAGA agenda. Polls show that for the first time since the 1928 election, more voters identified as Republicans than Democrats.
As the GOP becomes more centrist, the Democrat party has allowed its progressive faction to pull the party farther to the left.
Over the past four years, Democrats have driven up the national debt and sparked sky-high inflation through profligate government spending, especially on “green” projects; sought out global conflicts that could lead to a nuclear war; used the federal government to restrict free speech and shut down entire state economies; defied traditional concepts of human sexuality; and endorsed school curricula that depict America as a fundamentally racist nation in need of radical change.
No wonder a new CNN poll revealed that the Democrat party has reached its lowest approval rating in the last 30 years.
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