SmartLA 2028: I’m Sure It’s Just A Massive Coincidence, But Did You Know They’re Planning On Turning Los Angeles Into A Smart City In Just 3 Years?


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

In the confusion of the COVID Pandemic of 2020, a plan was quietly hatched to turn Los Angeles into a digitized smart city, welcome to SmartLA 2028

Earlier today, we wrote an article asking a question about the massive fire that has destroyed 12,000+ acres in Los Angeles, wondering if it happen by neglect or by planning. Did Gavin Newsom failed to prepare his state for this fire because he was so hyper-focused on transgender rights and healthcare for illegals? That’s a very likely possibility, and certainly part of the story, but as Paul Harvey used to say, “now for the rest of the story”. The rest of the story takes us to a little something called ‘SmartLA 2028’, the plan to turn all of Los Angeles into a digitized, smart city. That’s the memo.


Remaking a city is hard work, it takes a lot of time, a lot of planning and a lot of money, with little guarantee that the city you wish to make can be created from the existing structure. But what if there was a massive fire, say the largest fire in the history of Los Angeles, and much of the city you want to remake gets destroyed? Well, making the new city now would be so much easier to do. Is that what they just did? I don’t know, but it sure is crazy suspicious to have a preventable fire of this magnitude that somehow was not prevented, raze much of Los Angeles to the ground, leaving the mandate to rebuild, and as quickly as possible. Before you make up your mind, just remember that, if you were alive in 2020, you’ve already been exposed to a man-made virus intentionally released on the world from a lab in China, you’ve already been locked down against your will, and you were bullied into taking a ‘vaccine’ you did not want and did not trust that has already sickened and killed millions of people. Now, is staging a fire to turn Los Angeles into a smart city really so hard to imagine? Nope, makes a whole lot of sense to me.

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