Parkland Liar David Hogg Might Become Vice Chair of the DNC


by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

I keep hoping the Democrat Party will go back to the middle, but it’s not looking good. They are actually considering making David Hogg the vice chair of the DNC. Hogg famously said NRA members are “Pathetic sick F***kers” who “murder…children.”

He called all white men white supremacists and claimed AR-15 owners are all out hunting human beings.


He’s even a step down from Hillary Clinton’s former staff.

As Andrew Pollack wrote:

-Lied about surviving a school shooting (wasn’t in the building it happened)
-Son of an FBI agent
-Got into Harvard with poor grades/test scores
-Never worked a real job in his life
-Profited tremendously off dead kids
-Gun grabber

Now he’s being considered for DNC Vice chair?  Anyone else find this odd? It’s in keeping with the New Democrat Party.

Hogg did lie about being a “survivor,” and everyone knew it.

When the Parkland shooting occurred, he hopped on his bike, rode to a building at the school where the shooting wasn’t taking place, and pretended he was a “survivor.” Democrats went along with the lie. There is hardly anything lower. Seventeen people were murdered, mostly high school teenagers.

Democrats hit a new low with this nasty young man.

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