Legacy Media Suddenly Outraged Over Biden’s Mental Health


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

There is suddenly an outpouring of anger from the legacy media aimed at the Democrats who hid Biden’s mental health decline. Every channel now discusses what those with eyes, ears, and, most importantly, INDEPENDENT thoughts already knew. The same journalists who spent the past eight years demonizing Donald Trump are now outraged at their own party for hiding Joe Biden’s health condition and turning the country red—those who can think independently KNEW that Joe Biden’s health was failing many years ago.

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I wrote over the years extensively about how Biden’s mental decline enabled the neocons to push him to support pro-war policies. I shared the content of a handwritten letter penned by then-Vice President Joe Biden addressed to Barack Obama, urging him not to escalate the war.

“Tomorrow the President is going to make a fateful decision regarding Afghanistan – as I sat looking out the window at the sea – thinking I should resign in protest over will bring his administration down. Although I obviously there I feel like this is what it must have felt like for Kennedy then Johnson in the early days of VTN [Vietnam]. I feel guilty and boxed in myself. Guilty not having been more successful w/ the President – and staying. Boxed in by knowing or at least feeling that my resignation would only harden his position and leave him with one less voice.”

The man that Joe Biden was during that time no longer exists. He is not competent to form his own opinions and has become a complete puppet of the establishment that is taking advantage of a man in severe mental decline. Not only did the Democrats KNOW that Biden’s health was declining, but they deliberately used it to their advantage.

We knew that Joe Biden could not hold down a full-time job back when Jen Psaki was still press secretary. Psaki admitted that Biden could not begin his day before 10 AM, which was apparent on his public schedules. He was absent for over 40% of his term as the Democrats only wanted Joe in the spotlight when absolutely necessary.

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