Trump Needs to Pardon All the J6 Political Prisoners on Day One


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

I, for one, am delighted that alleged President Joe Biden pardoned his scumbag, perverted, drug-addled corrupto-kid. I might as well be because there’s not anything I can do about it. We all knew this was coming. We knew it from the beginning. We especially knew it when Joe Biden promised he wouldn’t do it. That made it a certainty. And now we get to watch the amazing contortions of the all-star leftist yogis twisting themselves into positions unfathomable by the human mind in order to justify it. It’s great to see them humiliating themselves.


It’s not great because it’s yet another blow to the rule of law. The rule of law has been beaten worse than Michael Cera getting in the ring with a prime Mike Tyson after talking bad about his mama. There is no rule of law, and therefore there is no point in being outraged over this latest outrage. It was inevitable. It was always going to happen. And then it did happen, and now we should take advantage of it.

How do we take advantage of it? I’m glad you asked. On January 20, 2025, President Donald J. Trump should pardon every single J6 defendant.

All of them.

Every single one.

He shouldn’t do it because Joe Biden pardoned his scumbag spawn – that just provides us ammo to fire against the critics. He should do it because these patriots were framed and subjected to a two-tier justice system by the Woke Stasi that evolved out of Inspector Erskine’s once legendary FBI, as well as the Department of Justice, whose name itself is a lie. If you nearly burned down Washington DC, Portland, or one of the other cities torched after that drug-addicted dirtbag vapor-locked while resisting arrest, you got a free pass. You didn’t go to jail for more than five minutes before getting out with a ticket, which was then dismissed. In fact, many of these leftist rioters got paid cash settlements by the government. But if you wandered around the Capitol – which belongs to you, by the way, and not to the pols and potentates of Congress or the establishment – you got sent to prison on shaky legal theories after being tortured in the DC dungeons. You got special treatment – especially harsh, unfair and unequal treatment.

It’s unacceptable to allow the weaponized feds to persecute patriots on our side of the aisle on behalf of the Dems, meaning we can’t accept it. They don’t get to win. There can be but one standard, and they chose it when they let their associates, allies, and fellow travelers go unpunished. So must the persecuted patriots of J6.

Trump must pardon every J6 defendant on Day One. All of them. Every single one of them. No exceptions, except for the collaborators. The people working for the FBI and narcing on the patriots should get nothing. The likes of Ray Epps – whatever his situation is since he denies being a tool of the feds even though he somehow got a sweetheart deal compared to other people – should get nothing. But everybody else? Pardoned.

If you walked through the Capitol, pardoned.

If you and a bunch of friends rolled out Nancy Pelosi’s massive liquor cabinet, pardoned.

If you threw fists with flatfoots, pardoned.

I don’t care what the feds claim they did – they didn’t get treated the same as leftists, and the leftists got a pass, and therefore so must the J6 people

Pardon all of them.

Every single one of them.

You cannot let injustice persist. It was an injustice to turn the full force of the federal government against these people with the specific intent of unequally punishing them for supporting Donald Trump and for questioning the establishment, as well as attempting to scare people out of dissenting in the future. Federal law enforcement deserves absolutely no default to an assumption of good faith, zero benefit of the doubt, and absolutely no credit for its claims. It has disgraced itself. This can’t be rewarded or it will be repeated. The Democrats and their allies must not be allowed to win. Winning means theirs walk, ours suffer. Hard pass on that.

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