by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
There’s some interesting cultural politics going on right now, according to these two articles shared by V.T., and they are – at least to my mind – illustrative of the cultural war taking place right now. On the one hand, in Ohio, the Satanic Temple has been allowed to launch a program in an elementary school, while in Russia, the same organization has been outlawed:
Satanic Temple outlawed in Russia
In glancing at the first article, one can easily see what the central issue or problem is:
The “Hellions Academy of Independent Learning,” also known as “HAIL,” program is offered to Edgewood Elementary School students in Marysville.
The Satanic Temple targeted the school because of its partnership with LifeWise Academy, a Christian Release Time Religious Instruction (RTRI) program, which teaches students about the Bible for one hour each week if their parents opt them into the program.
The organization claims that since the program is permitted for Christians, it must be allowed for any religion — including Satanists.
The real corker is this:
The Temple claims that during the meetings, “students will be presented with various educational arts and crafts, games, and community service projects through which they can learn about Satanic values, such as empathy, compassion, and justice.”
Yes, I seem to recall how widespread and pervasive the association of Satan with justice, empathy, and compassion is in our culture. Uh huh. And if you believe that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, cheap. It’s that traditional and symbolic association of Satan and evil that is my main point: the inability of any society or culture founded on an absolute agnosticism with respect to what constitutes goodness, virtue, moral and acceptable behavior to survive. Such societies and cultures are incapable of understanding the traditional virtues or vices associated with traditional symbols, and thus inevitably, an inversion of their meaning and significance occurs. Unfortunately, that inversion itself is part of the very very ancient trick associated with that symbol: “You shall not die; your eyes will be opened; you will be as gods.” The problem is a simple one, but it is one that a materialist and consumerist cosmology such as prevails in America and the West cannot understand: if you invoke the symbols of evil – whether you believe in them or not, or believe them to be evil or not – do not be surprised if the real thing shows up, and in full force.