Possible Scenarios Dems May Use To Keep Trump From Office As The Left Wing Monkeys Know Something Is Up And They Are Preparing The Minds Of The Cuckold Masses That It Is Coming


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

Damned ol’ Bart is still on his same ol’ shtick – here we go again with the “they will not let Trump into power again” thematic diatribe.  Oh well, at least this time I have some more concrete possibilities that are not so generically trite.   This time I have some more ideas on just what “they” may have in mind.  It is the conspiratorial “they” that we are talking about and that are to blame, with the definition of exactly who “they” are left up to the readers to decide for sure.  But the hints are strong, and need not be doled out in Lilliputian detail as we have been covering just that for so long now it should be automatically inserted by our subconscious minds as a naturally occurring default.

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Alex Jones explained back in the first couple days of December how close we are to civil war.  He uses the metaphor of slicing freshly baked Lasagna ready to be placed on plates and served saying “that is how close we are to civil war.  It is totally staged.”    He notes that there will be attacks on the masses of criminal invaders, more commonly referred to as illegal aliens, used as the catalyst to foment the war against this people by the government described as by those not wanting the invading military criminals inside this nation but actually induced by one faction of our own military in order to fabricate the newest coup against the nation.  As I am writing this I am also watching that movie on a technically illegal website inside a private browser via my VPN, otherwise it is not available to stream by just anyone.

Via Wikipedia – “The plot follows a team of war journalists traveling from New York City to Washington, D.C. during a civil war fought across the United States between a despotic federal government and secessionist movements to interview the president before rebels take the capital city.”  Perhaps a bit trite, but remember that the satanic left, the evil world controllers, extensively use Projection to warn what is about to be set upon us and seem to always leak out what is to be expected via some action or the other.  It is as if they are preemptively bragging that it is all their doing; some kind of arrogance thing I suppose.  This column appears to be an extension of one I did last year in mid December and the description of Projection from that one is applicable here.

More than just projections actually as the idiotic and insane satanic order of the left are also outright announcing just what they will do.  Just a couple of days after the Jones article above he came out with one titled “Desperate Deep State Democrats Publicly Announcing Plans to Launch Violent Nationwide Uprisings Against President Trump’s New Administration — Globalists Planning to Use Civil War Conditions As Cover For a Coup Against President Trump & American People”.  And he is not alone.  For instance, three years ago NPR was claiming that “Retired general warns the U.S. military could back a coup after the 2024 election” and although that article was concerning the totally fabricated idea that Jan 6 was an insurrection (and even many so-called conservative sites are claiming that false idea as well), they were playing it out as war gaming is being done to mitigate such occurrences and stated “three retired U.S. generals have warned that another insurrection could occur after the 2024 presidential election and that the military could support it.”  Only in a radical leftists or Marxist revolutionaries dream, which is just where that idea springs from.  They are indeed planning another coup for January of 2024.

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