Destroying the Climate Change Myth


by Jim Davis, American Thinker:

The magic words “global warming” are surrounded by left-wing mythology. We’ve all heard apocalyptic predictions about what will happen if we don’t start walking everywhere we go and heating our homes by burning dried animal manure.

It’s time to discuss how that mythology arose and why it needs to be replaced with the truth.


On any given topic, most people won’t listen to you unless you flash some credentials.  I have two degrees, in statistical analysis and political science.

Statistical analysis can be used to demolish left-wing mythology, masquerading as “science” in several areas — notably transgender ideology and climate change.  The underpinning of all science is statistical analysis.

All science is the collection of data, followed by analysis of that data.  Statistical analysis can be applied to see how cherry-picked data points are used to terrify us into abandoning fossil fuels.

So I’m at least as qualified as Al Gore (B.A., journalism), John Kerry (B.A., political science), or Greta Thunberg (high school student) to discuss the data behind climate change hysteria.

The focus by the lunatic left-wing fringe is on the past 150 years of carbon dioxide (CO2) increases, correlated increases in global mean temperature (GMT), and “what to do about it.”  This focus is exemplified by the following graph:

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