Alert! The East Coast Is Being Buzzed By “Very Sophisticated” Giant Drones Every Night That “Go Dark” When Approached By U.S. Aircraft


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Enormous “mystery drones” are buzzing rooftops and flying freely through the skies in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, and our government is powerless to stop it.  As I discussed yesterday, these drones have been spotted over military facilities, water reservoirs, transportation hubs, police departments and other sensitive installations.  But even though some of these drones are the size of cars, and even though they are buzzing us at rooftop level in some cases, we can’t seem to track them effectively and when our aircraft do approach they “go dark” and disappear.


What in the world is going on?

These drones have been appearing just about every night since mid-November, and there are countless eyewitnesses.

In fact, New Jersey State Senator Doug Steinhardt says that he saw them from his own front porch

And State Senator Doug Steinhardt says that’s simply not good enough.

“I’d be happy with an explanation that we’ve looked at it, and we don’t have information, or for law enforcement to say it’s an ongoing something or other, you know, and that’s as much as we can tell you, but we’re not even getting that which is unfortunate,” said Steinhardt.

And Steinhardt says he’s not just speaking as a lawmaker, he’s speaking as a witness.

“I walked out of my front porch last night and saw it would look like drone activity to me. I mean, I’ve seen airplanes cross the sky before and this wasn’t that,” he says.

We have never seen anything quite like this before, and people are really starting to freak out.

Many can’t seem to understand why nothing is being done to stop these unidentified drones from doing whatever they want in our airspace.

The mayors of 21 different towns in New Jersey got together and wrote a letter to Governor Phil Murphy demanding action

The mayors of 21 towns in New Jersey are demanding action in a letter sent to Gov. Phil Murphy over the mysterious drones that have been spotted flying overhead in recent weeks.

Since mid-November, large drones of uncertain origin have been repeatedly spotted in the sky at night over central and northern New Jersey.

The drones, which are larger than the type typically used by hobbyists, have raised concerns due to their proximity to both a military installation and President-elect Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf course.

Of course Murphy is quite concerned as well.

At a press conference on Monday, he explained that these drones are “very sophisticated”

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy commented on the situation on Monday, saying that while authorities have not identified any immediate threats, they are treating the sightings with seriousness.

“This is something we’re taking deadly seriously,” Murphy said during a press conference Monday, adding, “These are apparently very, as I understand it, very sophisticated. The minute you get eyes on them, they go dark.”

Murphy said state and federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, are actively investigating. He noted that 49 sightings were reported on Sunday.

This confirms what we have been hearing from other sources.

Apparently we have been trying to confront these drones, but the moment they see our aircraft coming they “go dark” and disappear.

If one of our enemies has giant drones that we can’t track and that can elude us with ease, that is a major problem.

Of course it would probably be even worse news if these drones do not belong to any of the usual suspects.

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