by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You may have noticed that today’s blogs are a bit unusual in that there are two of them, and in that one of those blogs are this week’s “honourable mentions”. which usually appear on Saturdays of the week following blogs, and not on Mondays with the initial blog of the week. Two unusual circumstances have compelled me to this unusual arrangement, and as one might have guessed, the first of these is that the US(S)A’s presidential (s)elections are being held this week, on Tuesday, which will be the last day of legal voting… supposedly. I say all this because the reader will have noted that much of this week’s “honourable mentions” are consumed with already-aired reports of massive fraud and interference occurring, so whether or not this will be another election or just another pretend theater while yet another avatar candidate is foisted off on the public remains to be seen.


In any case, I decided to front load the honourable mentions with all their fraud reports just to see how all of it is spun. As of now, I think all the trend lines in the polls are in Trump’s favor, and all the fraud in the Ayatollah’s, so we’ll see. I (very very reluctantly) mailed in my vote early, so who knows where the postal service decided to deliver it or where it ended up? Perhaps Mr. Putin opened it in his morning mail. After all, “Russia Russia Russia…”  At the minimum I’m expecting a howling hurricane of lunacy, and will be pleasantly surprised if it does not happen. Who would have “thunk” (as my mother used to say) that we’d see an election were a Kennedy would be endorsing the Republican candidate, and the detestable Cheney’s would be endorsing a California progressivist whatever-she-is campaigning for a party that wants to protect women’s rights and is unable to say what a woman is.

The other bit of departure from normal is that I’m actually scheduling this week’s (actually, form the standpoint of when I’m writing them, next week’s) blogs on Friday, Nov 1.  Now if you’ve been around this website for a while you’ll know that normally I do my email sorting and blog writing and scheduling on Sunday afternoons and evenings. It takes anywhere from about 3 to 6 hours, depending on how much there is. I’ve often started a blog, then changed my mind, erased it, moved the article to the honourable mentions pile, and written a different blog. This week, however, weather once again impinges. After virtually an entire summer of literally no rain whatsoever (after a spring devoid of the usual amount of storms, but with several larger storms in their place), we are now being warned of a weekend with the possibility of 4-6″ of rain covering the entire state, with flash floods being warned about already.  So, I figured I’d best schedule blogs now while I have power before the rains come.

Yea, the weather is very very weird.

And speaking of weird weather and a weekend of non-stop rain after a rain-parched year, when the ground is so baked and so dry the water will probably run off before it refreshes the parched earth, check out this story from Spain, where they’re also facing similar very weird rains (article shared by by S.D., with our gratitude):

Death Toll In Spain Officially Reported As 158 And Climbing, As Of Yesterday. WHAT WAS IT? The People Got NO Warning. In Some Footage The Streets Are DRY When The “Flood” Rolls In; People Are In Shock

Note here that the strangeness of this weather was both in the amount of water, and the lack of warning, the lack of tracking of a storm that hit one of Spain’s major metropolitan areas, Valencia:

Another event happened that is something that can’t happen—this time in the Valencia region on Spain.

It was neither a “storm” nor a “hurricane” but a sudden appearance of violent mud, water, mud and debris, pushing down bridges, tearing up streets, and flinging cars, even even huge trucks, into chaotic piles, resembling a boy’s car collection emptied from a bucket onto a pile on the floor.

My daughter in law told me yesterday, confirming what we are hearing, that based on what she heard from people in the Valencia region, people got no warning.

Do you remember how I kept saying the most ominous thing about “Helene” was the lack of warning? That seems to be an essential part of these new “weather” attacks, which are not weather.

“Storms” are tracked. Obsessively, with high tech precision, by professionals all over the world, and certainly Spain is no exception.

So what happened here?

One year’s worth of rain in 6 or 8 hours? I don’t think we should continue to use words like “rain.”

It was water. Violent water, out of nowhere. Mud water.

But it gets even stranger, as the authoress of the article attempts to find words for the high degree of strangeness and downright bizarrerie of the event:

It seems this time they are not even trying to make it appear like a real “storm.”

What are we looking at here? It’s towns and cities filling up with water as you’d fill a bathtub. Water just descending, like a Hollywood film effect. There is no reference point for this. My daughter in law told me it is known hardly ever to rain in the Valencia region—but I am adamant it’s not rain, so what should we call it?

What is that water?

Did a dam break? I didn’t hear that any dam broke. The same rogue wave of midwater rolls in all over the place, in numerous clips.

I had a clip that was a street, a man was outside, the street was bone dry, not even drizzling, and then the water rolled in. I can’t find it but I will keep looking, I saved it somewhere.

This is really, really strange.

No storm. No track of a storm. Then a sudden deluge and, as she says, “the water rolled in.”  A year’s worth of rain in 6 to 8 hours… far beyond the “year’s worth of rain” my area is supposed to experience over the next three days.

What causes such things? Well, again, the authoress of the article itself offers one answer, and it’s an answer readers here know all too well, though today I’m going to put an odd twist to it, a “refinement” to my normal weather manipulation speculations:

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