Making it Right


by Eric Peters, Eric Peters Autos:

Many are relieved that the not-so-dynamic Harris-Walz duo will not be enrobed with the purple of federal authority in about two months. Though, of course, a lot can happen in two months and these people are capable of anything. We know this, for two reasons. The first being what happened before the 2020 election and the second being what happened during it.


I mean, of course, the “COVID” event – that carefully choreographed machination to foment and spread mass hysteria for the purpose of installing the old grifter Joe Biden as president-unelected. And to advance the police state another few steps farther. This time, in the name of “public health.”

It is not possible to intelligently deny that the “COVID” event was a deliberately choreographed machination because it was obviously that – given the way “cases” were cynically conflated with certain death, the way all those plexiglass barriers (and sickness kabuki six-feet-apart signs) were ready-made and appeared almost everywhere almost overnight. Given the fact that big box stores were free to remain open for business but smaller, non-corporate retailers were forced to close their doors – as if you could only become a “case” if you shopped at a local store but Wal-Mart was “safe.”

If a real “pandemic” had been afoot, wearing a stupid dust mask over your face would not merely have been regarded as idiotic. And idiots would not have been permitted to lower their mask to eat in a restaurant but forced to wear it to walk to the table.

The whole point of the “COVID” event was to create fear and chaos during an election year; this provided the cover – and the pretext – for early and mass-absentee voting, turning Election Day into Election Months and turning the Orange Man Bad out of the White House.

This latter is something many suspected to be true given the suspiciousness of allowing mass absentee balloting. Especially the counting of mass absentee ballots that were never vetted prior to them being counted. For the next four years, people who remained suspicious – who dared to ask questions – were denounced as “deniers” by Leftists. This is interesting given most of these “deniers” simply wanted an honest accounting – which is quite a different thing.

This has yet to happen.

The suspicious asked the courts to allow an examination but the courts dismissed the petitions, insolently saying American voters had no “standing” to question the results of an American presidential election.

Well, it is now common knowledge that “COVID” was an evil farce, probably pre-planned but without question egged-on and used by evil people to terrorize hundreds of millions of people. It  is obvious to any person not an imbecile or a disingenuous Leftist ideologue that “COVID” served to make the circumstances – and the outcome – of the 2020 understandably suspicious

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