Thinning the herd with Ozempic: Are weight loss injections the new covid injections?


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

There has been a “Great Reveal” related to the harmful effects of covid injections, and now we’re even seeing corporate media starting to report on the catastrophic harm caused by the covid injections. 

Why this information is being revealed now? Miri Finch (“Miri AF”) believes that the recent revelation of the harms of the covid injections is a strategic move to shift the focus from covid “vaccines” to other injectables that can be used to “treat” social issues.


What could the next poisoned dart be? Ozempic, which is being heavily publicised and endorsed by celebrities, and now the UK government plans to give Ozempic to the unemployed to help get them back to work.  This, Miri AF suggests, is a sinister move.

The Ozempic injection has serious side effects, including pancreatitis, thyroid tumours, kidney failure, vomiting, fainting, palpitations and breathing difficulties, which are unlikely to make people more employable.

Perhaps the true intention behind the Government’s Ozempic campaign is a continuation of the depopulation agenda that began in earnest with covid injections.  Perhaps the Government’s Ozempic campaign is to kill off people who are perceived to be a burden on the National Health Service (“NHS”), including the obese and the unemployed.

Thinning The Herd

By Miri AF

For quite some time, I and other comparably cogitating commentators, have been predicting the potential of “The Great Reveal.”

A stage-managed and scripted event designed to reinforce faith in the “authorities” who coordinate said reveal, we always knew the harms of the covid injections were set to come to light eventually since this fact was clearly laid out in the modelling documents upon which covid was based.

With extensive coverage this week from the Daily Mail and the BBC (and with the Mail’s Matthew Lodge inviting the jab injured to contact him with their stories at, it seems that irrefutable evidence of the catastrophic harms these jabs have done is finally hitting the mainstream.

So, as ever, we must ask – when many of us have been screaming from the rooftops about this for years, only to be roundly shut down by “the experts” – why this, why now?

Well, initially, with some people now being on jab 12-plus, it’s “job done,” quite frankly.

The ruthless depopulationists coordinating this sinister charade have got this injection into the arms of more than enough people, more than enough times.

They’ve made their money, hit their targets, and thus have very little to lose now from holding their own (jab-free) arms up and shrugging, “mea culpa, you got us. Some of these jabs aren’t completely safe.”

They have nothing to lose from this admission, as the pharmaceutical companies are completely indemnified against any legal action, so they only have attributes to gain such as renewed public faith and trust in authority.

It’s taken such a long time to get the “mainstream” to acknowledge (even some small fraction of) the truth, that activists and injured parties who have been fighting such a tirelessly long battle will feel enormous gratitude and relief that they are finally being heard.

And, of course, that gratitude and relief will be inverted, weaponised and completely used against them; to manipulate them into trusting the “authorities” behind this reveal, so they can be manoeuvred into receiving the next poisoned dart.

No way,” the jab-injured or their loved ones may firmly say. “Fool me once, shame on you. But there’s no way I’m going to be fooled again. No more vaccines for me.

Mmm, but vaccines aren’t the only form of fashionable pharmaceutical injection, now, are they?

Please note that coinciding with all this high-profile press about vaccine injury is equally prominent publicity about another kind of experimental injection: Ozempic, the alleged “miracle cure” for obesity.

In the last few months, we’ve been treated to endless advertorials from the propaganda press claiming such and such “hot” celebrity achieved their enviable physique through using this injection (and if you believe this, I think Andrew Bridgen has a new lawsuit he’d like you to bankroll …).

It’s exactly the same kind of intensive endorsement campaign we saw when all the ‘slebs were parading around in their designer masks and posting photos to Instagram of themselves pretending to get injected.

The message is, “Monkey see, monkey do.”

The social orchestrators of the world know this is how human psychology works at its most basic level: when people see their favourite celebrities performing an action on a screen, they reliably and predictably go straight out and perform it themselves (hence why millions of women rushed out to get “The Rachel” when beloved celebrity Jennifer Aniston portrayed the hairstyle on TV).

Consequently, demand for Ozempic and similar injectables that claim to cause their recipients to rapidly lose weight has skyrocketed.

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