COVID mRNA Vaccine Injury: 11 Years Old Was Playing Basketball, Collapsed and Died From Cardiac Arrest


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

An 11-year-old boy collapsed and died Tuesday night at the Dana Barros Basketball Club facility in Stoughton.

Brockton Public Schools identified the boy as George-Levi Njuguna. He was engaged in playing basketball at the time but Stoughton Fire Chief Michael Carroll does not know if it was a practice or a game.

“We received a call at approximately 7:58 last night,” Carroll said. “What they believed was a syncopal (fainting) episode.”

Paramedics arrived at the facility four minutes later, Carroll said.


“They found an 11-year-old lying flat on the ground, unconscious and unresponsive,” he said. “They did use a defibrillator and attempted resuscitation, but unsuccessfully.”

Another article on the DailyMail Online also reported on the incident:

An 11-year-old boy collapsed and died while playing basketball at a Massachusetts youth club.

George-Levi Njuguna was playing basketball at the Dana Barros Center on Washington Street in Stoughton – located 20 miles outside of Boston – when he mysteriously collapsed and died around 8pm on Tuesday.

Emergency services quickly arrived on scene and found the young boy unresponsive, according to Boston 25 News. They used a defibrillator and attempted resuscitation, but were unsuccessful.

‘Unfortunately, the 11-year-old boy didn’t make it,’ Stoughton Fire Chief Michael Carroll said.

George, who played on the DB Gladiators team, was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton, where he was pronounced dead.

His cause of death is currently unknown. However, a large majority of sudden deaths in elementary and middle school athletes are cardiac-related, according to Boston 25 News.

My Take… 

Cardiac arrest in a normal, healthy 11 year old.

Notice how the media has completely normalized these events.

Millions of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated children are at risk of sudden cardiac death, because parents were too weak to stand up and protect them.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause cardiac damage in 1 in 30 within the first week after vaccination.

Study #1 – Thailand study (2022, Mansanguan) 202 boys ages 13-18 were tested. 7 of them developed subclinical myo/pericarditis within 7 days after 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA dose. That’s 1 in 30 per Pfizer dose.

Study #2 – Swiss Study (2023, Muller) – 777 healthcare workers had Moderna COVID-19 mRNA booster shot, 22 had evidence of myocardial injury within 7 days. That’s 1 in 35 per Moderna dose.


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