Biden’s Zionist-controlled cabinet gave Israel “green light” to invade Lebanon


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Even though Joe Biden is America’s “president,” at least in name and on paper – and according to the official 2020 election results, anyway – Israeli Zionists are the true controllers of the United States, which in many ways functions as the military arm of Tel Aviv.

While the public-facing narrative from the Biden regime concerning Israel is one of opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s crusade, the internal narrative is one of full support for not just the Hamas mission but also the latest mission in Lebanon against Hezbollah.


Biden’s Lebanon envoy Amos Hochstein, a former Israeli soldier born in Jerusalem, reportedly gave the “green light” to Israel to expand its war with Lebanon.”

Hochstein and presidential Middle East advisor Brett McGurk “privately told Israel that the U.S. would support its decision to ramp up military pressure against Hezbollah.”

In other words, Biden is just a figurehead or puppet, if you will, while Hochstein and others pull the strings behind the curtain, at least on the war front in the Middle East – or as Information Liberation’s Chris Menahan puts it:

“While Biden was busy playing Commander-in-Chief and pushing for a ceasefire while cursing Netanyahu left and right, Hochstein was apparently telling Israel they can do whatever the hell they want.”

Is Amos Hochstein a dual citizen? White House won’t say

Ever since the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, the world has been served up a much different narrative concerning Israel and its influence over world affairs than the one that was widely accepted before the events of Oct. 7, which in many ways was Israel’s 9/11 transition moment.

What was previously an untouchable institution is now at the forefront of the public conversation over the deep state swamp and who is responsible for deepening and widening it to the point that America is a mere shell of what it once was.

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