Swiss government “kidnaps” children and threatens parents with jail time for opposing transgender mutilations


by Belle Carter, Natural News:

A Swiss court recently ruled that the parents of a minor “stolen” by the government should provide legal documents to allow the child a gender alteration intervention despite them disagreeing with the procedure.

Three years ago, the kid was separated from her parents because they refused to give their daughter puberty blockers. The kid, now 16 years old, wanted to transition into a boy. Now that the parents lost the case, the highest court in the canton of Geneva, the Court of Justice, is now ordering them to hand over the needed documents so they can submit the teenager to the alteration procedure.


The father, who had appealed the order, said: “We are deeply saddened that this nightmare situation continues.” “Not only has the state separated us from our daughter because we objected to her ‘transition,’ but we are now being threatened with criminal charges if we do not aid in her ‘legal transition’ by handing over legal documents,” he added.

He also pointed out that if this injustice can happen to them, it can also happen to other parents. “We will not give up trying to protect our daughter and will seek to appeal this decision,” he further vowed.

In a viral video shared on X, formerly Twitter, the father recalled how it all started. “About three years ago, our daughter informed us that she was a boy. We understood that she was going through a difficult period in her life so we agreed to seek medical advice,” he said. Then, they went to the Geneva hospital where they were instructed that they should start treating the child as a boy because of an assessment that used a ‘gender unicorn’ diagnostic test performed by one of their nurses.

“We were told she needed puberty blockers,” the father recalled and added that soon enough, the school also got involved. Then, the teachers, administrators and everyone at school started to call the teenager a male name.

“We were very clear with the school, that we did not believe it was up to the school to socially transition our daughter. We learned that the school psychologist was getting in and was feeding my daughter with materials, putting her in contact with Le Refuge,” he further said. Le Refuge is a transgender advocacy organization, which has taken their daughter down the path of believing that she’s a boy in a girl’s body. The organization also convinced the daughter that her psychotherapist was “transphobic.”

Eventually, the Swiss Child Protection Agency, with the school’s support, brought a case against the parents in the Swiss court system. Not only had their daughter been taken by the government they also lost tens of thousands of dollars paying legal fees. And now, they are also threatened with serving jail time.

Meanwhile, Big Tech mogul Elon Musk commented on the post sharing the father’s interview with: “Same thing is happening in California.” The said social media entry where Musk commented was shared by the handle Billboard Chris and now has 24.8 million views.

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