Kamala Has Democrats in Real Trouble


by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

Every now and then, politicians allow the truth to seep into their carefully crafted talking points.  That’s exactly what happened when Nancy Pelosi went on the record to confirm that Kamala Harris was not the Democrats’ original choice to be their presidential nominee in 2024 when Joe Biden was ousted in an orchestrated coup back in July.

This is what Pelosi told Ezra Klein of The New York Times, as it appears in the interview transcript:

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Yeah, well, I think here’s the thing.  The thought was that if this were to happen, but it happened fast, we … none of us had any idea he would do it that Sunday.  Well, I didn’t have any idea.  Most people didn’t.  So when he did that and endorsed [Kamala Harris], then the thought was everybody wanted an open process.  Let’s see the talent, let’s see the bench of the Democrats and let them come.  And see what they can attract.  But when he endorsed her, then it was, “Are you with me or not?”  And she moved quickly.

This was a bombshell confession.  On the one hand, we all know that Pelosi had been conspiring with Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama to get rid of Joe Biden on the ticket after recognizing the polling damage that his obvious senility and terrible performance as president had caused.  On the other hand, she admits to being blindsided by the timing of Biden’s withdrawal and also admits to have been blindsided by his simultaneous endorsement of Kamala Harris, suggesting that “everybody wanted an open process” to identify the party’s candidate.

…everybody, that is, except Joe Biden.  Biden’s endorsement of Harris effectively bound the DNC’s hands, as the exhilarating prospect of having an ethnically diverse female president quickly spread through the party ranks and social media on that Sunday afternoon.  There was simply no time to consider the entirely practical idea to initiate an open and democratic process to identify the Democrats’ best and most electable candidate.

As I observed immediately after the announcement, the Kamala Harris endorsement was Biden pulling the pin of a political grenade inside the party tent.  He knew that conspirators were pushing him to resign, and the promise of a cackling and communist-adjacent Kamala Harris candidacy was his parting gift to the conspirators.

Although it’s arguable that Harris had some success with voters in deep blue San Francisco and California, she has always been extremely unpopular at the national level.  In 2019, she was eviscerated in the Democrat primary, withdrawing before a single state primary vote was cast.  The bulk of the credit for this incredible failure must go to the almost incomprehensibly dislikable and phony Kamala Harris, but a certain modicum must be given to Tulsi Gabbard, who landed one of the most devastating debate moments against any candidate in my lifetime.  This might have ended any potential for Harris to get near the presidency in any other sensible moment in American history.

But we don’t live in sensible times.  Kamala Harris is a woman, you see, and though many Democrats can’t readily define what that word means, they’re steadfastly sure that it’s a good thing and worthy of their votes for some reason.  She’s also not white, and that confers additional merit somehow.  Therefore, her incredible unlikableness was ignored when Joe Biden faced “tremendous pressure” from Democrats to pick a woman “of color” for his running mate in 2020.

Harris did have a bit of a honeymoon with Americans in early 2021.  Though she’s never had more than 50% approval, there were fewer people who disapproved of her at that time.  But her disapproval rate ramped up quickly that summer, when Joe Biden set her up for failure by assigning her the daunting task of addressing the illegal immigration crisis at the border and she had an embarrassing interview with Lester Holt where she appeared entirely inept at her job.

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