ABORTION BUSES at the Democratic National Convention


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is showing the world what their party now represents – utter debauchery. For the first time in American history, a Planned Parenthood bus drove around the Chicago area to offer free abortions and vasectomies to anyone looking to encourage population control. Those people are also helping the climate change agenda. After all, we humans produce harmful carbon emissions that damage the environment. Those who boarded that bus received a free sticker as a reminder that they chose to abort their baby or sterilize themselves at a political rally.

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What happened to abortion being a decision between a woman (birthing person) and her/its doctor? We are witnessing a dystopian nightmare occur in Chicago, America’s very own Sodom and Gomorrah. I will refrain from discussing abortions or vasectomies. Still, the origins of Planned Parenthood stem from eugenics and population controland I am not surprised they are encouraging this in Chicago. More recently, Planned Parenthood has been targeting men for sterilization. There are ongoing efforts to market both options to young Americans.

Planned Parenthood states that although potentially reversible, the goal of the procedure is complete sterilization. “Vasectomies are meant to be permanent. You should only get a vasectomy if you’re 100% positive you don’t want to be able to get someone pregnant for the rest of your life,” Planned Parenthood states on its website. They claimed there was a waitlist ahead of the event as young men eagerly boarded the bus to ruin any future prospects of reproducing. A young 18-year-old in high school may have different views on parenthood down the line, but the Democrats are encouraging young adults to make life-altering last-minute decisions as a political stunt.

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