Karl Marx is alive and well in 2024 America


by Vince Coyner, American Thinker:

Marxism was easily the most destructive political theory ever to be put into practice. Over the course of the 20th century, it was responsible for purposefully killing well over 100 million people. To put that evil into context, the slave trade into the United States was 400,000 people, the number of Congolese dead during the reign of King Leopold II of Belgium is estimated as high as 10 million, and the total number of deaths during WWII was 73 million. But communism beats them all combined. And most of those numbers came from governments killing their own citizens! I mention all of this because the father of Communism, Karl Marx, has been on my mind lately.

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Marx was a despicable human being. It’s often said that he never had a job in his life. That’s not technically true. Although he had a doctorate, his radicalism kept most universities from hiring him. He was a writer and editor for several publications, most of which went bankrupt because no one was reading them or were shuttered by governments seeking to quell what they saw as sedition. He wrote for the New York Daily Tribune for a decade and later for the New York Sun. None of these jobs paid particularly well or consistently (other than the Tribune), and what they did pay Marx often spent on alcohol and tobacco.


Image courtesy of Vince Coyner

Marx’s family lived in poverty and debt his entire life and, often, they went hungry and were evicted several times. This was despite Marx having received substantial inheritances from his parents and taking numerous “loans” from friends. He fathered at least seven children with his wife, but only three survived to adulthood, in part due to the family’s poverty and its consequent malnutrition. But Marx never once took a job that would economically support his family and give them sufficient sustenance. In reality, Marx spent most of his adult life supported by his friend, co-author and de facto vassal, Friedrich Engels, the son of a textile manufacturer.

Aside from being a hypocrite, arrogant, condescending, and violent with words and sometimes deeds, Marx was also a slovenly man. He drank to excess, smoked, and almost never bathed. A German spy, after visiting Marx, reported, “[Marx] leads the existence of a Bohemian intellectual. Washing, grooming and changing his linen are things he does rarely, and he is often drunk.” He was a racist and an antisemite as well, despite his Jewish heritage (his father converted to Christianity for political and economic reasons).

Marx spent virtually his entire adult life decrying the inequality and “failures” of capitalism and proffering communism as the replacement for capitalism and democracy, a theory he and Engels outlined in The Communist Manifesto. But the thing is, Marx had no direct connection to actual capitalism other than taking the money it produced to support him and his family. He had no experience starting a business, building a business, managing payroll, insurance, suppliers, customers, employees, unions, or anything else. No, he learned everything he knew about business and economics from reading.

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