Transgendered Space Force officer tells U.S. Air Force cadets that using pronouns will lead to ‘winning war-fighting strategies’


by LeoHohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

This is just more proof that America will be judged severely for her corruption of the nations

Last week U.S. Space Force Col. Bree Fram, a prominent transgender activist in the U.S. Armed Forces and worldwide, gave a speech to the U.S. Air Force Academy in which he urged the cadets to use specified pronouns in their emails as a way to bolster “winning war fighting strategies.” Watch the insanity spewing forth from this man in the video below.


Notice this man, Col. Bree Fram, was described as a “she” by the impressionable young female cadet who introduced him. How can you look at and listen to this man and call him a woman? How can a military fighting force perform up to standards against Russia and China when it can’t even recognize the difference between a man and a woman? I suspect these same cadets have also been brainwashed to believe in “pregnant persons.”

This man and so-called leader, Col. Bree Fram, is also on the speakers’ list of Pentagon personnel who travel abroad to spew this nonsense about “inclusion” to countries around the world. This is the modern Babylonian system, up close and personal, and it is doomed to a spectacular failure. Why? Because it’s based on lies that are insulting to God.

Short of mass repentance, it’s a matter of when, not if, the day of reckoning is visited upon these evildoers who seek to corrupt the entire world with their blasphemies and abominations. This is why they hate Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church will not sit idly by and stay quietly neutral on the issue of LGBTQI+, abortion up to birth, and all of the other filth that’s being promoted, like we see most of the Western churches doing.

The modern Babylonian system runs through Washington, New York, London, Paris, Geneva and Brussels, as well as Rome and Kiev. In God’s timing, all of these Western cities and likely many more will be laid waste. Consult the Deagel Corp.’s population forecast for details. Notice that Russia and China are not forecast to lose much, if any, population. But, by the end of 2025, the U.S. is forecast to lose 68.5 percent of its population, the U.K. is forecast to lose 77 percent, and most of Western Europe will have their populations decimated by 30 percent or more. Deagle is known to have connections to U.S. intelligence agencies.

What do the Deagel forecasters know that the rest of us don’t in terms of devastating events on the near horizon?

Who knows if Deagel’s timing will be correct. The end of 2025 is less than two years away. But unless we see a concerted effort by the world powers to de-escalate the path we’re on toward World War III, I do believe we will see entire Western cities obliterated. That’s the path our so-called leaders have placed us on and few Americans are even aware of it. Putin has laid out his red lines — do not let Ukraine join NATO and do not place Western troops in Ukraine to fight Russia — and the NATO madmen continue to talk about crossing those lines. Just last week NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said it was a “matter of when, not if,” Ukraine is accepted into NATO. And French President Emmanuel Macron said “Nothing should be excluded. We will do everything that we can to make sure that Russia does not prevail.”

I don’t believe President Macron says something like that without first running it by his superiors in Washington. When you have Western leaders saying they will do anything to make sure Russia is defeated in Ukraine, this means their countries will at some point be annihilated by Russian nuclear missiles.

Revelation 18 describes end-times’ Mystery Babylon as command central for global trade, moving all manner of luxury goods, including the “bodies and souls of men” (human trafficking). We recently found out that the U.S. government is the largest human trafficker in the world. I believe economic Babylon is centered in the financial district of Wall Street, with political Babylon’s nerve center being Washington, D.C. If this is modern Babylon, and I believe it is, then it will all be destroyed “in one hour.”

Pray for peace. Prepare for war — on U.S. soil. And get right with God. Why do I say this? Because we have absolute madmen in charge of running the U.S. and all of its NATO-allied countries. The pay off in U.S.-printed fiat currency must be just too good to pass up, as these NATO aligned countries will do pretty much whatever their paymasters in Washington tell them, no matter how insane and suicidal. Oh, that’s another thing Revelation 18 tells us: “For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”

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