US Politicians Are Playing With Fire At Our Peril: How The ‘Fatal Trifecta’ Will Lead To The Failure Of ‘The Grid,’ Sending 300 Million+ Unprepared Americans Into A Deadly New ‘Dark Age’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

The new story over at Just the News reporting on a new Documentary by energy industry expert Robert Bryce takes a look at ‘The Fatal Trifecta,’ ‘Power, Politics and the Electric Grid’ and as he warns America in a series of new videos out on Youtube this week, due to horrific political decisions and policies, and our politicians pushing ‘green energy solutions’ instead of ‘electricity,’ America’s power grid has never been in worse condition than it is now.  TRUTH LIVES on at

With Bryce and his wife actually living through Winter Storm Uri in Texas back in February of 2021 when the Texas power grid was unable to keep up with the demands of their customers, as Bryce tells us, when the Lone Star state grid went down, leading to the deaths of at least 290 people, he and his wife Lauren lost power for 48 hours in extremely cold weather which led to nearly 10 million people experiencing power outages while the storm became the deadliest Winter Storm on record since 1993.

And with Bryce having previously produced a documentary about the grid back in 2019 titled “Juice: How electricity explains the world”, and then having to fight to survive through Winter Storm Uri that had deadly consequences all across Texas and Mexico, Bryce later learned that the Texas grid came 4 minutes and 37 seconds away from totally collapsing via a cascading series of events could have left Texas in the dark for weeks, if not more, and multiplied the total number of fatalities.

Leading to Bryce producing his latest documentary series which you can find here on youtube, that 5-part documentary series takes look at catastrophes from Texas to Tokyo and shows how politicians and corporate avarice have weakened our most critical network, one that nearly ALL Americans living here in 2024 are dependent upon, and it doesn’t take too much of an imagination to see how quickly things will go completely out of control should the grid go down for a period of weeks or months as Bryce and 10’s of millions of others were 4 minutes and 37 seconds away from down in Texas.

With chaos sure to spread at lightning speed once ‘the unprepared masses’ realize the power isn’t coming back on, leaving the streets blackened at night with no street lights to light the way, and gangs of marauders hungering at the opportunity of what such darkness could bring, if the grid goes down for an abnormal period of time it would quickly leave 300 million+ Americans quite literally ‘sent back to the dark ages,’ a nightmare quickly unfolding before our eyes.

And as Bryce warns us within these videos, by ignoring these problems with the age and stability of  ‘the grid,’ all across the country, while they instead focus upon ‘green energy,’ America’s politicians are playing with fire and at the peril of the American people. As Bryce warns us, with politicians ignoring the ‘fragilization’ of ‘the grid,’ they’ve built up a scenario where hundreds of millions of Americans would be completely unprepared for what would be an ‘immediately life altering’ event.

And whether that ‘event’ is brought to us by the ‘fragility’ of ‘the grid,’ extreme weather war or even  cyber attacks, maybe no other ‘event’ could cause such immediately life altering chaos.

Think about what you would do if suddenly and without warning, you and your family lose your electricity and then, after a period of time, say a day or two or even a week, you learn that the electricity won’t be coming back on in the next or week or month or even a year. For everybody in this country except for the ‘most prepared,’ there’s little doubt that would be an immediately life changing event.

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