by Scarecrow, Survival Blog:
When in doubt, do the OODA loop: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. In other words, see what’s going on, understand how it relates to your situation, figure out what to do, then do it.
But what happens when you can’t do your OODA loop because you can’t properly see what’s going on, i.e., you can’t Observe and then Orient? What happens when the tools you use, for example, mass media, are (at best) trying to obscure the truth or (at worst) are intentionally lying to deceive?
Here are some clues that “they” (the government, the media, etc.) might be using propaganda or conducting a Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Take note if:
– They are trying hard to instill:
o Fear*
o Confusion
o Passivity
o Anger*
o Pressure to act quickly
o Heavy emphasis on consensus; i.e., you don’t want to be out of step with what everyone else thinks, do you?
o Repetition of claims without evidence
o Claims that the opposition should not be allowed to speak, or should be censored.
* Remember that both fear and anger tend to disable the thinking parts of the brain.
– The opposition to their narrative is framed as something more than just wrong:
o Morally reprehensible
o Unpatriotic
o Endangering others
o May be engaging in “hate” speech and should be criminalized
o Is a threat to democracy
– The media appear to be in lock-step, all (or most) repeating the same messaging with nearly the same words.
– The threat is invisible and/or cannot be confirmed by ordinary means.
– There is an effort to censor all contradictory messaging.
RFK, Jr. recently said in a government hearing: “A government that can censor its critics has a license for all atrocities.”
Here are some tools for resisting propaganda and psychological operations:
– Maintain your faith in God, truth, and goodness
– Maintain detachment; don’t react emotionally, respond with reason
– Maintain your sense of humor
– Encourage free, respectful discussion because it breaks the influence of propaganda
– Look for evidence confirming or opposing what is being said
– Ask: does it pass the test of common sense? Does it contain illogical or contradictory messaging?
– You are free to question the “incentives,” that is, the reason why someone (media, government entity, etc.) might be saying something
– You are free to not accept something simply because the media says it is so
– You are free to turn off the media.
When in doubt, question the narrative, ask for the evidence, and examine the incentives.
Remember: When they say something “can’t be talked about”, then it’s a clear flag that it needs to be talked about.