Welcome to the Persecution, RFK Jr.


by J. Robert Smith, American Thinker:

Last Thursday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made his opening statement before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.  He pleaded for “respect” and “compassion” in public discourse.  He argued for the restoration of 1st Amendment rights.  He opposes “turnkey totalitarianism,” which is technology used to control people.  His arguing against censorship led committee Democrats to move to censor Kennedy.  Nowadays, Democrats love to decry hate speech.  Orwellian translation: Free speech is hate speech.

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No sooner had Kennedy finished, than he was pounced on by Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  Wasserman Schultz is a political whore of the first order, though as a member of Congress she’s got company.  Kennedy might as well have speechified to the Spanish Inquisition’s chief hatchet man.

Wasserman Schultz didn’t even dedicate a syllable acknowledging the meat of Kennedy’s statement.  Democrats moved to censor him.  Wasserman Schultz then moved to have the hearing taken into executive session.  Heaven knows, the public might be harmed by counterarguments to the Democrats’ anti-free speech narratives.  Kennedy needed to be flailed.

Kennedy is an anti-Semite and racist, she charged.  Wasserman Schultz was riding point because she’s a Jew, and her being Jewish supposedly lends credibility to the accusation that Kennedy is a Jew-hater.  As Kennedy pointed out on Twitter, Wasserman Schultz had tried the same trick on fellow Jew Bernie Sanders.  She lost her leadership position at the DNC as a result, though, today, she’d probably win a medal.

What Kennedy should be learning is that, like Donald Trump, he’s now not just targeted to be ostracized.  The powers-that-be will persecute him.  Attempts to marginalize him were just Step One.  Step Two is obliterating his character.  Step Three, as an increasing threat to Democrats, Kennedy will be targeted by blue state DAs and/or federal prosecutors.  They’ll concoct all sorts of bogus lawbreaking to go after him.        

Anyone who in any way poses a real or supposed threat to the Democrats’ and establishment’s grip on power is in the crosshairs.  Parents with beefs at school board meetings, COVID narrative dissenters, pro-life activists, right up to our beleaguered 46th president — all must be demolished.

Wasserman Schultz’s smear focused on comments Kennedy made days before about COVID and the development of bio-weapons targeting ethnic populations.

In a dinner-table discussion, Kennedy had cited Cleveland Clinic researchers who claimed that COVID hit hardest at Caucasians — generally — and blacks, though less so at ethnic Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews.  Wasserman Schultz used those comments to tar Kennedy as a bigot.

Kennedy never said that COVID was engineered to target ethnicities, only that COVID had a disproportionate impact on some races.  He made that point as part of the broader conversation about viruses as bioweapons.

It’s alleged that there’s a competition among nations — yes, that includes the U.S. — to develop what would be the equivalent of viral smart weapons.  Never mind the Biological Weapons Convention.  If the U.S. is in the business of developing biological weapons, it isn’t alone.  China is suspected of doing so, too, starting with COVID-19.

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