by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:
Just what America needs.
Another Covid hysteric running the Centers for Disease Control.
Proving it has learned all the wrong lessons since 2021, the Biden Administration is about to choose Dr. Mandy Cohen to replace Dr. Rochelle Walensky as director of the Centers for Disease Control.
Cohen shares the same health authoritarian impulses as Walensky. She supported mask and vaccine mandates – and lockdowns even in 2021. But she is apparently more bureaucratically competent, and thus more dangerous, than Walensky.
Cohen is also very close to Andy Slavitt, whom I am suing in Berenson v Biden for his efforts to censor me. Her choice suggests Slavitt still has considerable influence in the Biden Administration two years after officially leaving the White House.
Apparently diversity mandates haven’t hit the CDC yet. Cohen is a lot like Walensky, a nice Jewish* doctor** from the Northeastern suburbs with all the right degrees.
(*I can say it, I’m Jewish)
(**The actual expression is “nice Jewish girl” but I don’t want to get in trouble)
Perhaps the biggest difference is that Cohen is less orange. Not figuratively, literally; Walensky’s skin tone occupies an uncanny valley somewhere between North Africa and Malibu Barbie. But I digress.
(Digression continues. What color is that? It’s not beige, it’s not orange, it’s not brown, it’s not white. Seriously, what color? Ecru? But is ecru a color, or just a world for beige at fancy furniture stores?)

I know, I shouldn’t make of Rochelle Walensky’s skin tone when there is SO MUCH ELSE to make fun her over.
Like that time she told Rachel Maddow that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.” Oops! Or the press conference where she said she was “scared” of Covid. Profiles In Courage, get me rewrite!
But wait. This piece isn’t about the departing CDC director, it’s about the incoming CDC director. The queen is dead, long live the queen.
Stunningly, despite their vast similarities in professional training and life experience, Cohen and Walensky have tons in common.
They both approached Covid by maximizing hysteria and government overreach. Like Walensky, Cohen loves her some face diapers.
In fact, she loves them more than Walensky. In December 2021, Cohen said that “everyone” needed to keep wearing masks. “Even if you’re vaccinated, you should wear a mask,” she said. Even the CDC had dropped its mask requirements for vaccinated people seven months before.
(No, seriously, she LOVES masks.
ALT: I got Tony Fauci sitting on my face. And he’s delicious!)

Besides pushing lockdowns through March 2021, Cohen also threatened legal action against a school district that wanted to drop quarantines and contact tracing – in September 2021, long after Covid’s lack of risk to school-age children became apparent. She pushed jab mandates for health care workers and explicitly tied loosening restrictions to vaccination levels.
In other words, Cohen has heartily supported every authoritarian measure that the last three years have proven useless. Of course, to the White House, her views are a feature, not a bug. And the Biden Administration seems to believe she will be able to make the CDC even more willing to follow its lead.
“White House officials were drawn to Cohen’s track record of leadership at the federal and state level, said people familiar with the process who spoke on the condition of anonymity,” the Washington Post reported. “That’s a stark contrast to Walensky, who was in her first leadership role in government.”
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